Hi there—Over the past year, MoveOn member Marisol Garcia from Phoenix, AZ, has campaigned hard to get Google off the board of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the organization behind some of the worst pieces of legislation to come out in recent years, including “stand your ground” laws. Earlier …
2nd Annual Women Leading Green Event, October 1, 2014
Contact: Steven Hoffman, Compass Natural Marketing, tel 303.807.1042,steve@compassnatural.com Seleyn DeYarus, FearLess Revolution, tel 303.886.9844, Seleyn@FearLessRevolution.org Eco Women Rule! FearLess Revolution to Feature Women Green Business Leaders at 2nd Annual Women Leading Green Event, Boulder, October 1, 2014 The event will feature an informative, entertaining and interactive panel of pioneering women in …
Eco Women Rule! FearLess Revolution to Feature Women Green Business Leaders at 2nd Annual Women Leading Green Event, Boulder, October 1, 2014
For Immediate Release?? Contact:? Steven Hoffman, Compass Natural Marketing, tel 303.807.1042, steve@compassnatural.com Seleyn DeYarus, FearLess Revolution, tel 303.886.9844, Seleyn@FearLessRevolution.org Eco Women Rule! FearLess Revolution to Feature Women Green Business Leaders at 2nd Annual Women Leading Green Event, Boulder, October 1, 2014 The event will feature an …
Eco Women Rule! FearLess Revolution to Feature Women Green Business Leaders at 2nd Annual Women Leading Green Event, Boulder, October 1, 2014
For Immediate Release?? Contact:? Steven Hoffman, Compass Natural Marketing, tel 303.807.1042, steve@compassnatural.com Seleyn DeYarus, FearLess Revolution, tel 303.886.9844, Seleyn@FearLessRevolution.org Eco Women Rule! FearLess Revolution to Feature Women Green Business Leaders at 2nd Annual Women Leading Green Event, Boulder, October 1, 2014 The event will feature an …
The very latest peace research, news and events from Vision of Humanity. Now, more than ever, the world needs to focus not only on the challenges we face today, but also what lies ahead. Increasingly our research, and the research of others, is focusing on assessing risks we will face …
Last Chance to Give Your Recommendations on Digital Inclusion!
Since we kicked off the WWW: Women Weave the Web Campaign in January, we have received nearly 500 submissions—but there is one voice still missing: YOURS! We are just a week away from the end of this powerful campaign, and we want to make sure that the voices of women …
Speak out now on digital access One Week Left! SPEAK OUT NOW ON DIGITAL LITERACY With over 200 submissions, our WWW: Women Weave the Web Campaign is generating a huge buzz in our community and around the world! We have received powerful recommendations on Digital Literacy, but there is one …
One Week Left! SPEAK OUT NOW ON DIGITAL LITERACY With over 200 submissions, our WWW: Women Weave the Web Campaign is generating a huge buzz in our community and around the world! We have received powerful recommendations on Digital Literacy, but there is one voice still missing: YOURS! Haven’t made …
Fellowships, contests, and job listings, oh my!
Spring has sprung, and budding along with the flowers are opportunities for professional development, fellowships, publication of research, and youth contests. Be sure to check out the ‘More Opportunities’ section below, and e-mail us atnamle@namle.netwith your own contests, events, and calls for contributions. We’ll help you get the word out! …
The CVS Effect in Action: Customers Speak — Avon, Honeymaid, Mozilla, Chili’s Respond
In earlier articles, I asked whether consumers will back up brands that makes decisions “because it’s the right thing to do” over pure profit motives. My bet is that these decisions will be rewarded by consumers as it become more normal for companies to make bold pro-health and pro-environmental choices. Here …