Hi – Join us for the monthly coalition call every second Friday at noon! Click here to sign up. Santa Fe Seeks Feasibility Study Consultants Late last week, the City of Santa Fe issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for consultants who are interested in assisting the city with an feasibility study …
GlobalJax is Moving
We at Ethical Markets Media ( USA & Brazil) congratulate GLOBALJAX and WJCT for this innovative move !, Hazel Henderson, Editor GlobalJax News & Announcements Greetings GlobalJax Members and Friends! We have intern power once again so our weekly update is back. We hope you find it helpful and informative …
March 12th: Tamera Co-Founder Dieter Duhm at Whole Earth Summit
March 12th, 6:30 PM EST, Tamera co-founder Dr. Dieter Duhm will be meeting up with the pioneering Austrian “Rebel Farmer” Sepp Holzer to talk about “Healing Water, Healing Love, Healing the Earth.” We’d like to welcome you to join us. This is part of the free online Whole Earth Summit. They are gathering with 42 …
Postgraduate News and Schumacher Events: Sustainable Horticulture re-launch
Postgraduate News and Schumacher Events Sustainable Horticulture re-launch We are delighted to announce the re-launch of our postgraduate programme in Sustainable Horticulture and Food Production recruiting now for January 2014. With a new format, additional partners and pioneering land-based projects for students to work on, we believe that what we are offering is …
Time to Act – May Newsletter – Schumacher College
Time to Act – May Newsletter For 22 years Schumacher College has brought together leading thinkers from around the world to envision a better future. Courses this year begin to focus on how we can act to bring this future into reality. We look at the importance of happiness and …
Rolling Jubilee has abolished over a million dollars of medical debt!
Like Tweet Forward Strike Debt has just abolished medical debt for a thousand people! Over 1,000 people are receiving notice that their debt is HISTORY Mar 16 – 23 is a Week of Action to Declare a Healthcare Emergency: It’s a Matter of #LifeOrDebt Spread the word! Action: Call …
Invite to OACC 32
You are invited to The 32nd Annual Convening of the Ozark Area Community Congress… OACC 32 – September 30 – Oct. 2, 2011 Ananda Kanan International Retreat Center, Willow Springs, MOzarks Hi David, All those who love and care about the Ozarks are invited to gather together once again to …