Forward Follow us Like us Five Essential Elements of a Placemaking Campaign If, as the saying goes, architecture is frozen music, then urban planning is composition, but Placemaking is improvisational street performance. It’s interactive, messy, inclusive, and you can never be quite sure what the result will be–but you …
Postgraduate News and Schumacher Events: Sustainable Horticulture re-launch
Postgraduate News and Schumacher Events Sustainable Horticulture re-launch We are delighted to announce the re-launch of our postgraduate programme in Sustainable Horticulture and Food Production recruiting now for January 2014. With a new format, additional partners and pioneering land-based projects for students to work on, we believe that what we are offering is …
Time to Act – May Newsletter – Schumacher College
Time to Act – May Newsletter For 22 years Schumacher College has brought together leading thinkers from around the world to envision a better future. Courses this year begin to focus on how we can act to bring this future into reality. We look at the importance of happiness and …
Victories for the Commons, the Renewable Energy Holy Grail, and more
Victories for the Commons, the Renewable Energy Holy Grail, and more Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend ILSR provides innovative strategies and timely information to support environmentally sound and equitable community development. Like what we do? Please consider supporting our work. Community Self-Reliance in the News Should …
Follow the Food
FOLLOW THE FOOD Impact investors seek to scale the supply of fresh food and build a regional food system GREEN ACRES (FOLLOW THE FOOD–PART 2) Impact investors are supporting operating loans for organic farmers and food hubs
RSF Fall Newlsetter: Food & Agriculture
RSF Fall Newlsetter: Food & Agriculture In this issue of the RSF Quarterly, we examine ways in which people are actively working to change how our food system operates. Check out the Clients in Conversation piece to learn about the work of RSF investor-borrowers, Jessica Rolph (HAPPYFAMILY) and John Roulac …