From Susan Sun Nunamaker,, “It is my pleasure to be able to get an interview during World Future Society 2014 at Orlando, FL, with Hazel Henderson , a futurist and an economic iconoclast. Ms. Henderson, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Britain in 1961, has worked in television and had authored …
INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) ITUC OnLineClimate change is putting jobs at risk – governments must actBrussels,9 November 2014(ITUC OnLine): With a new round of the UnitedNations climate negotiations starting this monday in Warsaw, Poland, thelabour movement expressed its concerns on the impacts a low ambition climatedeal would mean for jobs globally.“Science is … – The Democracy Collaborative, along with theResponsible Endowments Coalition, hosted awebinar on July 19 to announce our jointly published report Raising Student Voices: Student Action for University Community Investment.
Dear Colleague, Welcome to our August www.Community-Wealth.orgnewsletter. This month’s features include: The Democracy Collaborative, along with theResponsible Endowments Coalition, hosted awebinar on July 19 to announce our jointly published report Raising Student Voices: Student Action for University Community Investment. The Chronicle for Higher Education released a blog review of the report, highlighting how everyone …
KNOWPHEST is honored to host respected ethical economist Hazel Henderson
Hazel has worked for over 40 years to facilitate a shift in our global economic model and raise awareness regarding the way our current greed-based system is hindering rather than helping. She will be not only speaking, but KNOWPHEST is proud to be presenting the Ethic Mark Award for 2012 …
Measuring What Matters: The current economic model is not working for the majority of the world…
Measuring What Matters By Lisa Cowan, European Correspondent, Ethical Markets Media The new lecture theatre at the International Institute for Environment and Development had standing room only as The Green Economy Coalition gathered in London, 15th Feb 2012, in preparation for the Rio+20 UN summit. The current economic model is …
Imposed Austerity vs Chosen Simplicity: Who Will Pay For Which Adjustments?
“Other News” is a personal initiative seeking to provide information that should be in the media but is not, because of commercial criteria. It welcomes contributions from everybody. Work areas include information on global issues, north-south relations, governance of globalization. Roberto Savio //Reproduction in whole or in part without permission …
Why Frank Smets, chief economist of the ECB, thinks the ECB economic model is wrong
Why Frank Smets, chief economist of the ECB, thinks the ECB economic model is wrong by merijnknibbe from Merijn Knibbe Have you ever wondered why an U-3 unemployment rate of 23% in Spain (and rising) and 18% in Greece (and rising) doesn’t seem to bother the European Central Bank (ECB)? …
Learning from China: Why the Existing Economic Model Will Fail
Learning from China: Why the Existing Economic Model Will Fail By Lester R. Brown Earth Policy Release Data Highlight September 8, 2011 For almost as long as I can remember we have been saying that the United States, with 5 percent of the world’s people, consumes a third or …
Interview with new Green Party governor in Baden-Württemberg (state) Germany
Thanks to Paul Ray! Here is an interview with the first rational politician I have discovered; by which I mean someone who understands that we need a new economic model, one that puts the health and functionality of both the people and the environment first, and then seeks to figure …
Madrid Climate Dialogue: Green & Decent jobs, Social Protection & Financial Transactions Tax Must be on RIO+20 Agenda
We at Ethical Markets fully support the financial transaction tax INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION ITUC OnLine 083/120411 Madrid Climate Dialogue: Green & Decent jobs, Social Protection & Financial Transactions Tax Must be on RIO+20 Agenda Madrid/Brussels, 12 April 2011 (ITUC OnLine): International trade union leaders meeting today in Madrid with …
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