Dear Colleague, Welcome to our August www.Community-Wealth.orgnewsletter. This month’s features include: The Democracy Collaborative, along with theResponsible Endowments Coalition, hosted awebinar on July 19 to announce our jointly published report Raising Student Voices: Student Action for University Community Investment. The Chronicle for Higher Education released a blog review of the report, highlighting how everyone … Newsletter: Raising Student Voices: Student Action for University Community Investment
The latest news on community wealth building initiatives! Dear Colleague, Welcome to our June e-newsletter. We are pleased to announce the release of a new report, Raising Student Voices: Student Action for University Community Investment, a joint publication with the Responsible Endowments Coalition. Nationally, institutions of higher education control more than … Newsletter | May 2013
Dear Colleague, Welcome to our May e-newsletter. This month we have a number of updates and features to bring you: Today, May 8 from 4-6 pm (eastern) in Cambridge, MA, The Democracy Collaborative and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT present the findings of our recent case study: The Anchor Mission: Leveraging the Power … E-Newsletter | February 2013
The latest news on community wealth building initiatives! View this email in your browser Dear Colleague, Welcome to our latest e-newsletter, with a new look for 2013. In this winter edition, we bring you a host of new developments and site features: Today, February 8, The Democracy Collaborative and the Department …
Taking the Measure of the New Metrics Conference, Philadelphia 2012
by Paul Glover For 222 years, American stock exchanges have measured success by larger numbers, regardless of capital’s social and environmental impact. The bottom line has been the top line. During recent decades, though, corporations have been kicked from behind by vigilant citizens demanding government regulations, then nudged from within …
Off-Grid Financing
The ramifications of the Libor scandal–what Warren Buffett glibly called a can of worms that affects the whole world–grow by the day. Criminal indictments of individuals, even if firms are too big to indict, appear to be in the making as the tsunami’s shock waves are about to spread to …
Forces for Good Highlights Successful Nonprofit Practices
Welcome to our latest e-newsletter. In this summer’s edition, we bring you many new developments and site features: We are pleased to announce the launch of the new Evergreen Cooperatives website, which we hope will serve as a resource for community wealth building efforts in many localities. The site …