Why do almost all companies finance themselves mostly with equity, but Wall Street’s too-big-to-fail banks finance themselves almost 100 percent with borrowed money (debt), making them very unstable and at high risk of failure even if they only have tiny losses? Because those handful of gigantic banks (only 9 banks in the …
From Visby to Bisbee
Newsletter – July, 2014 From Visby to Bisbee Website improvements, slide shows, and videos My upcoming events Ecuador leading the way toward a “Commons Economy” Kalikalos Summer School/Vacation. Bitcoin—the currency and the technology J. W. Smith and the Institute for Cooperative Capitalism Worldwide More lessons in global economics, finance, and …
New Poll Shows Voters Are Ready To Pay To Blunt Climate Change
New Poll Shows Voters Are Ready To Pay To Blunt Climate Change By Tom Kenworthy on June 11, 2014 at 10:10 am CREDIT: Shutterstock If this keeps up, more politicians may learn to love climate change as a political issue. A new poll from Bloomberg shows that by nearly a …
‘Science Is Science’: Obama Embraces Price On Carbon, Leaving Fossil Fuels In The Ground
From the Showtime series “ YEARS OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY “ watch the final episode ,Hazel Henderson, Editor ‘Science Is Science’: Obama Embraces Price On Carbon, Leaving Fossil Fuels In The Ground By Joe Romm on www.thinkprogress.org/climate June 8, 2014 “The baseline fact of climate change is not something we can …
Financial Times: Strip private banks of their power to create money
Ethical Markets fully supports Positive Money . Congratulations on this breakthrough into mainstream media – Hazel Henderson, Editor Another major breakthrough in the monetary reform debate! Fantastic news: The debate on money reform goes mainstream! Last week has the leading UK economics commentator, the Financial Times’ Martin Wolf, argued that “the …
Fighting Wall Street in the rulemaking process to protect Main Street.
Financial Reform Newsletter April 3, 2014 Fighting Wall Street in the rulemaking process to protect Main Street. A funny thing happened on the way to preventing another financial crash and more wall street bailouts. It’s called the rulemaking process, which is required to implement much of the financial reform law …
Financial Reform Newsletter :Another week, another too-big-to-fail bank pays billions to settle yet more claims for fraudulent and illegal conduct for contributing to the 2008 financial crash.
Financial Reform Newsletter March 28, 2014 Another week, another too-big-to-fail bank pays billions to settle yet more claims for fraudulent and illegal conduct for contributing to the 2008 financial crash. It was announced this week that Bank of America is paying $6.3 billion (and buying back an additional $3.2 billion …
FUTURIST UPDATE: Year’s Best Stories about the Future
Futurist Update, Year-End Special This year THE FUTURIST featured the writing of inventor Ray Kurzweil, management futurist Paul Saffo, science fiction author Brenda Cooper, environmentalist and MacAuthur Fellow Lester Brown, nanotechnology pioneer K. Eric Drexler and roboticist and TED fellow Rodney Brooks, among many other of today’s most creative …
SlowMoney October
Social capital investor Joel Solomon says Slow Money helps people understand how money can be used in a soulful way to help build the economic changes we need. Click above to find out more. Solomon is the chairman for Renewal Funds and president and CEO of Renewal. Please send us …
U.N.’s Top Posts Remain a Boy’s Club
By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS, Oct 8 2013 (IPS) – Despite adopting scores of pious resolutions on gender empowerment over the last 67 years, the 193-member General Assembly has failed to practice in its own backyard what it has vigourously preached to the outside world. So far, the U.N’s …