Good Summary of Climate Scientists’ IPCC 2013 Report

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia. The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, sea level has risen, and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased. Each of …

Earth Policy Institute: U.S. Nuclear Power in Decline

Jay OwenTrendspotting

  U.S. Nuclear Power in Decline  J. Matthew Roney Earth Policy Release Plan B Update September 10, 2013 Nuclear power generation in the United States is falling. After increasing rapidly since the 1970s, electricity generation at U.S. nuclear plants began to grow more slowly in the early 2000s. It …

Debt, austerity, devastation: it’s Europe’s turn

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance

As the creditors get fatter, the innocent are punished. Susan George laments a leadership subservient to big business. Like plague in the 14th century, the scourge of debt has gradually migrated from South to North. Our 21st-century Yersinia pestis isn’t spread by flea-infested rats but by deadly, ideology-infested neoliberal fundamentalists. …

Survival of the … Nicest?

Jay OwenEarth Systems Science

The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious. –Martin Luther King, Jr.   Survival of the … Nicest? –by Eric Michael Johnson, syndicated from Yes Magazine, Jul 15, 2013 A century ago, industrialists like Andrew Carnegie believed that Darwin’s theories justified an economy of vicious competition and inequality. They …

New Report: Next Generation Energy Efficiency Programs Can Yield High Energy Savings

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

NEWS RELEASE Media Contact: Patrick Kiker 202.507.4043 [email protected] New Report Reveals How Next Generation Energy Efficiency Programs Can Help Utilities Achieve High Energy Savings Washington, D.C. (January 9, 2013): New technologies and innovative program designs are combining to create the next generation of energy efficiency programs that can meet the …

New Report: Next Generation Energy Efficiency Programs Can Yield High Energy Savings

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

New Report: Next Generation Energy Efficiency Programs Can Yield High Energy Savings     NEWS RELEASE New Report Reveals How Next Generation Energy Efficiency Programs Can Help Utilities Achieve High Energy Savings   Washington, D.C. (January 9, 2013): New technologies and innovative program designs are combining to create the next …

Connecting city leaders to global leaders at Rio+20 Global Town Hall – 18-22 June, Athletes Park, Rio de Janeiro

kristyGreen Prosperity

“Our struggle for global sustainability will be won or lost in cities”. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon With 3 billion new urban dwellers moving into cities in the next three decades, local governments are crucial actors to ensure a sustainable future. The Rio+20 Global Town Hall, organized by ICLEI …

Un Official Calls For ‘Global New Deal’ To Fix Broken Global Economy

kristyReforming Global Finance

Un Official Calls For ‘Global New Deal’ To Fix Broken Global Economy New York, Feb 7 2012 1:05PM The world needs “a global new deal” to break the mould of economic thought that led to the international financial crisis, the head of the United Nations agency tasked with promoting trade …

After Durban: We Must Pull the Emergency Brake Before the 1 Per Cent Drive Us Off the Cliff

Ethical MarketsReforming Global Finance, Earth Systems Science

Published on Sunday, December 18, 2011 by by Derrick O’Keefe On behalf of Canada, Environment Minister Peter Kent recently spent several days in Durban at the UN climate talks treating the global community like, well, shit — disrespecting her, ignoring her wishes and just generally displaying rude and selfish behaviour. But …

Women entrepreneurs: too often trapped in the microenterprise ghetto

kristySRI/ESG News

October 5, 2011 – Webstories Women entrepreneurs: too often trapped in the microenterprise ghetto Innovative approaches can boost women’s economic presence among small business owners in Latin America and the Caribbean Over the past three decades, women in Latin America and the Caribbean have dramatically increased their role in the …