Emily E. Adams www.earth-policy.org/data_highlights/2013/highlights41 Earth Policy Release Data Highlight October 2, 2013 Carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels in the United States peaked at more than 1.6 billion tons of carbon in 2007. Since then they have fallen 11 percent, dropping to over 1.4 billion tons in 2013, according …
Earth Policy Institute: U.S. Nuclear Power in Decline
U.S. Nuclear Power in Decline J. Matthew Roney http://www.earth-policy.org/plan_b_updates/2013/update116 Earth Policy Release Plan B Update September 10, 2013 Nuclear power generation in the United States is falling. After increasing rapidly since the 1970s, electricity generation at U.S. nuclear plants began to grow more slowly in the early 2000s. It …
This IPO Will Soar on Cheap Natural Gas
This IPO Will Soar on Cheap Natural Gas By Jeff Siegel | Monday, May 6th, 2013 It was boasted as an energy breakthrough. Bloom Energy’s Bloom Box paraded around the media — including a very generous piece aired by 60 Minutes as some kind of new, game-changing magical energy creation device that …
The ‘unstoppable’ renewable grid
Chris Nelder, SmartPlanet, April 3, 2013 The energy transition juggernaut I previewed last May is rolling on unabated, despite U.S. natural gas prices falling to 10-year lows last year. According to a new Gallup poll, two-thirds of Americans would like to see more emphasis on solar, wind and natural gas, …
Three Tax Reforms to Encourage Modernization of the Manufacturing Sector
Much of the equipment and production processes in America’s factories are decades old and not as efficient as modern equipment and processes in use by many of our international competitors. While some factories have been modernized, many have not. Modernizing these factories will allow them to better compete in world …
China Wind Energy Developer Taps GE Turbines for 100-MW Ontario Wind Farm
China Wind Energy Developer Taps GE Turbines for 100-MW Ontario Wind Farm Posted: 19 Apr 2012 03:00 AM PDT Filed under: Energy News Siemens Figures Out What to Do With Night Wind Posted: 19 Apr 2012 02:00 AM PDT Filed under: Energy News Natural Gas Prices & Canada?s Economy ? …
AEP Ohio and Turning Point Solar Partner to Develop 50 MW Solar Facility
7/15 AEP Ohio and Turning Point Solar Partner to Develop 50 MW Solar Facility AEP Ohio, a unit of American Electric Power, has entered into a participation agreement with Turning Point Solar, a joint venture of Agile Energy and New Harvest Ventures, to cooperate on the development of one of …
UN-Backed Report Shows Strong Performance By Renewable Energy Sector
UN-BACKED REPORT SHOWS STRONG PERFORMANCE BY RENEWABLE ENERGY SECTOR New York, Jul 13 2011 12:05PM The renewable energy sector has continued to perform well despite the global economic slowdown, cuts in incentives, and low natural-gas prices, according to a United Nations-backed report unveiled today, which shows that the sector supplied …