Invitation to Webinar on Bonds & Climate Change rpt, Wed 11 Sept: Los Angeles 09:00 / Denver 10:00 / Chicago 11:00 / NYC 12:00 / London 17:00 / Paris 18:00

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

Invitation to Webinar on Bonds & Climate Change rpt, Wed 11 Sept: Los Angeles 09:00 / Denver 10:00 / Chicago 11:00 / NYC 12:00 / London 17:00 / Paris 18:00 Posted on 28. Aug, 2013 by Sean Kidney in blog, Climate Bonds, Europe, Green Bonds, United States Join us for a presentation and discussion of the Climate …

Novethic Research: Blacklisting controversial companies helps responsible investors curb excesses

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

Blacklisting controversial companies helps responsible investors curb excesses Paris, 18 June 2013.  Novethic, a research centre, has published a pioneering study looking at the influence that responsible investors can exert by refusing to invest in multinationals involved in human rights violations. Blacklists published by 19 Northern European investors managing €1.5 trillion …