We at ethical markets congratulate InterPress Service for its uniquely valuable contribution to global public awareness and understanding over the years . I am proud to be an IPS columnist ~ Hazel Henderson ,Editor Towards a Global Governance Information Clearing House By Ramesh Jaura* BERLIN/ROME, Aug 2014 (IPS) – Inter …
CSR Asia Disclosure Forum in Kuala Lumpur
25 September 2013 HIGHLIGHTS CSR Asia Disclosure Forum in Kuala Lumpur – new dates To secure a great line-up of speakers, and ensure that the latest trends in reporting can be presented and discussed, the CSR Asia Disclosure Forum has now been rescheduled for 5th December. The programme is being …
Novethic Research: Blacklisting controversial companies helps responsible investors curb excesses
Blacklisting controversial companies helps responsible investors curb excesses Paris, 18 June 2013. Novethic, a research centre, has published a pioneering study looking at the influence that responsible investors can exert by refusing to invest in multinationals involved in human rights violations. Blacklists published by 19 Northern European investors managing €1.5 trillion …
GMI RATINGS: Snoozing Boards Can Stunt Your Stocks
June 6, 2013 Snoozing Boards Can Stunt Your Stocks (MotleyFool, 6/5/13) “Entrenched boards can lead to company-stunting problems. CEOs are overcompensated, risk is poorly addressed or managed, new consumer trends are missed, stagnant bureaucracies petrify, and terrible disasters like the financial crisis happen. The beauty of a system with checks and …
UNEVEN JOB RECOVERY POSES CHALLENGES TO MOST COUNTRIES, UN LABOUR AGENCY REPORTS New York, Jun 3 2013 1:00PM Five years after the global financial crisis, the world employment situation remains uneven with emerging and developing economies recovering much faster than most advanced countries, the United Nations labour agency today reported, …
An estimated 73 million young people will be out of work this year, according to a new United Nations report that says the long-term impact of the youth employment crisis could be felt for decades and <“http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_212917/lang–en/index.htm“>calls for creative and wide-ranging policy solutions to address the problem.<i><“http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—dgreports/—dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_212423.pdf“>Global Employment Trends for …
Rio + 20 Newsletter: The future working people want
This is the fourth in a series of messages we will be sending to keep you up to date on the plans we have put together for the upcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development – Rio+20, as well as our own associated event – The Trade Union Assembly on Labour …
New World Bank president: what’s on the agenda?
Bretton Woods Update No. 80 March/April 2012 New World Bank president: what’s on the agenda? An unprecedented competition for the presidency of the World Bank, with two highly experienced developing country candidates nominated in addition to the US candidate, has raised demands for reform of the Bank’s approach to middle-income …
The revolt against financial predation in Greece is a historic turning point in the awakening of European peoples
“P2P Foundation” – 3 new articles 1. The revolt against financial predation in Greece is a historic turning point in the awakening of European peoples 2. Kevin Carson on Bitcoin and the Phyles: dystopia or utopia? 3. Blue Labour’s relational state, a partner state? 4. More Recent Articles 5. Search …