Strong US Majority Prefers Iran Deal says “Citizen Cabinet” Survey

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, Trendspotting

Strong US Majority Prefers Iran Deal says “Citizen Cabinet” Survey   by Jim Lobe –  Via LobeLog, IPS Blogosphere*   Sixty-one percent of the American public prefers a deal permitting Iran to continue limited uranium enrichment and imposing intrusive inspections on its nuclear facilities in exchange for some sanctions relief, …

PGGM vs Israel, Swiss VC fund, United Utilities, PensionDanmark, PKA, IPE-Quest, Rabobank

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

Monday 13 January 2014 TODAY’S TOP STORIES Israel decries PGGM decision to divest from banks involved in settlements Newspaper accuses fund, which does not exclude Chinese banks investing in Tibet, of double standards Swiss MPs seek pension fund support to seed venture capital scheme United Utilities to shift asset allocation …

Other News: United Nations Still Popular in Most Countries

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Global Citizen

   United Nations Still Popular in Most Countries   By Jim Lobe*   WASHINGTON, Sep 18 2013 (IPS) – On the eve of the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly, a newly released survey of 39 countries shows that the world body remains relatively popular around the globe. …

NewNet Daily Newsletter: Veolia buys remaining stake in Proactiva Medio Ambiente from FCC

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

  Essential industry insights: cleantech, renewables, sustainability   NewNet Daily Newsletter 11 June 2013 Green investment surges onwards – get the lowdown on the biggest cleantech deals with aNew Energy World Network subscription Deal News Samsung, Seajacks to build world’s largest offshore wind installation vessel Soitec connects CPV demonstration plant in …

TheCrowdCafe Weekly: Own Your Neighborhood | Slate

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

TheCrowdCafe weekly • Issue #11 – June 10, 2013 • • Share on Twitter! •  Aloha! Hope you all had a fantastic week. Here’s our curated summary of this week’s happenings in the crowdfund investing ecosystem. Give me a shout at [email protected] if you have any questions or updates! Selected Articles Own Your Neighborhood | Slate I disagree …

US-Israel partnership launches series of cleantech collaborative projects

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity

View the latest deal leads and opportunities here. Deal News US-Israel partnership launches series of cleantech collaborative projects ForVEI purchases 3 PV plants in Italy EBRD dedicates €60m to Romania’s energy efficiency efforts PREMIUM: Eskom’s clean power efforts get $365m kickstart ABB leads energy management company Power Assure’s $13.5m funding round …

Today’s Study: What The Obama Adminstration Wants For New Energy

kristyGreen Prosperity

NewEnergyNews Daily Headlines click here for main page: Today At Newenergynews, 4-11: * Today’s Study: What The Obama Adminstration Wants For New Energy * Quick News, 4-11: Solar Replacing Oil; Wavebob Becoming Waved Power; Utility Wants New Energy; Solar Water Heating Hot Sunday World, 4-10: * World Windmakers Face …