Breaking News: Investors’ Circle and Impact Angel Group combine forces to launch IC Colorado

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

Breaking News: Investors’ Circle and Impact Angel Group combine forces to launch IC Colorado  Investors’ Circle announced Friday that it will transition Impact Angel Group into IC’s national network and launch IC Colorado, a change that connects the Impact Angel Group’s 40 members to high-quality deal flow from across the country and …

Lending Club Records a $1B Quarter

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

Lending Club?s Billion-Dollar Quarter [Infographic] — Lending Club, one of the leading peer-to-peer lending platforms around, announced last week that it recorded its first billion-dollar quarter. The company has now facilitated over $5 billion dollars in loans since it was founded back in 2007. OTHER HIGHLIGHTS OurCrowd Hits $60M in …

The clean energy transition is unstoppable, so why fight it? | SmartPlanet

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

THE TAKE The clean energy transition is unstoppable, so why fight it? The transition from fossil fuels to solar, distributed generation resources and renewables won’t be easy, but energy analyst Chris Nelder chooses to stoke the flames of hope. BY CHRIS NELDER GLOBAL OBSERVER The cybercafé is dead. Long live …

2014 Trends for Business Startups and Future Funders

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

2014 Trends for Business Startups and Future Funders — What does the new year hold for startups and crowdfunders? David Drake of LDJ Capital and The Soho Loft writes in to make some crowdfunding predictions for 2014. Read on to find out what he thinks the new year will bring for …

THE CROWD CAFE: Mapping the Crowdinvesting Ecosystem

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

Don’t hesitate to get in touch! Mapping the Crowdinvesting Ecosystem Dec 16, 2013 12:00 pm | Jonathan Sandlund |View Original Post|   A colorful ecosystem is evolving around the investment crowdfunding industry. Companies are developing products and services to alleviate nearly every conceivable pain point of the system’s stakeholders, including …

DIY solar; the psychology of everyday illusions; Melbourne’s food startups | SMARTPLANET Weekly

Jay OwenSustainability News, Trendspotting

smartplanet WEEKLY A WEEKLY PREVIEW OF OUR CURRENT ISSUE, DELIVERED EVERY SUNDAY. November 24, 2013 FROM THE DESK OF … Could DIY solar shake up the industry? The big solar manufacturers say they’re not worried. Meanwhile, three startups in Melbourne who are aiming to loosen the grip of their city’s …

CrowdSource Set to Acquire by Month’s End

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

CrowdSource Set to Acquire by Month’s End — CrowdSource, a company that helps online retailers and other companies create content via the crowd, announced late last week that it’s set to acquire, a competitor. We spoke with co-founder and CEO Stephanie Leffler to find out what motivated her team …

GreenBuzz Oct 14th

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, SRI/ESG News

Get Your Free VERGE Interconnect Expo Pass Taking Care of Business By Joel Makower, Chairman & Executive Editor It’s nearly showtime! Tomorrow morning we’ll kick off VERGE San Francisco. (You can download the official program here.) We’ve got more than 1,000 people coming, so it’s going to be quite a gathering (and party!). There’s still …