Game upgrade: Schools across the U.S. will soon start teaching real climate science

Jay OwenSustainability News, Earth Systems Science

The map accompanying this article has school districts taking up real climate science in blue, presumably because they also are a close match to having a larger Democratic constituency in state government. The ones not adopting it are reliably Repugnican far-right in state governments: shilling for the oil and coal …

Good environmental policy is good economic policy

kristyReforming Global Finance

While a political storm brews in Washington over deficit reduction, severe storms are on the rise, as Hurricane Irene reminded us when it swept up the eastern seaboard. For years, Congress has attempted to appease corporate energy interests rather than produce good climate policy, and with the economy in trouble, …

Changing the Game of Finance

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity, Articles by Hazel Henderson, Reports You Need

Invited paper for “The World as We Want It to Be” SRI in the Rockies 20th Anniversary, October 25-28, 2009. By Hazel Henderson © 2009 Marking the 20th Anniversary of SRI in the Rockies offers more than an opportunity to review the hard-won progress of investors to prove that …