ScienceDaily: Top Environment News Computer sims: In climatic tug of war, carbon released from thawing permafrost wins handily Posted: 18 Mar 2015 12:39 PM PDT There will be a lot more carbon released from thawing permafrost than the amount taken in by more Arctic vegetation, according to new computer simulations. …
Investing in a Growing, Changing Planet
Dear Friends: Below please find a brief summary of a recent report by TerraVerde capital management outlining investment opportunities arising from population growth, climate change, and resource depletion. Investing in a Growing, Changing Planet: The Fund of Hedge Funds Opportunity Since the integration of fossil fuels in the early …
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: Seasonal patterns of tropical rainfall changes from global warming revealed
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News Seasonal patterns of tropical rainfall changes from global warming revealed Plant protein shape puzzle solved by molecular 3-D model Surprising findings on hydrogen production in green algae Shifts in physiological mechanisms let male bats balance the need to feed and the urge to breed Fish prone …
Game upgrade: Schools across the U.S. will soon start teaching real climate science
The map accompanying this article has school districts taking up real climate science in blue, presumably because they also are a close match to having a larger Democratic constituency in state government. The ones not adopting it are reliably Repugnican far-right in state governments: shilling for the oil and coal …
Doha Climate Summit Ends With No New CO2 Cuts or Funding
By Stephen Leahy DOHA, Qatar, Dec 10 2012 (IPS) – The United Nations climate talks in Doha went a full extra 24 hours and ended without increased cuts in fossil fuel emissions and without financial commitments between 2013 and 2015. “This an incredibly weak deal,” said Samantha Smith representing the …
Who Needs Third-Party Finance? Loan Programs Offer Low-Cost Direct Ownership Opportunities
Direct ownership of solar systems offers an array of benefits generally not available to third-party finance. And new loan programs are making it easier to achieve that goal. Full Article Community Solar Shouldn’t Be this Hard by John Farrell | December 3, 2012 Sunlight falls almost anywhere, in every community. …