The Economic Case for Divesting from Fossil Fuels

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Resource Efficiency

Garvin Jabusch, Co-Founder, Chief Investment Officer, Green Alpha Advisors


The fossil fuels industry, big oil, big coal, natural gas, and its allied sectors, including some large financial

institutions, will not quietly or willingly retire into the history of ideas whose time has passed. That fossil

fuels represent the single greatest systemic risk to our collective economic wellbeing, however obvious to

increasing numbers of fiduciaries, is not a consideration for the industry’s plutocrats. A divestiture campaign to get money out of fossil fuels stocks has emerged, indicating an emerging popular awareness that we must and will transform our energy society into one that can coexist with and even thrive on a finite earth. That a massive global transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energies, led by solar, also means that there are and will continue to be competitive investment returns earned from carefully selected investment exposure to the sector.


Read entire whitepaper here.