Kenneth Fink, lawyer, author and interdisciplinarian, uses a myriad of interdisciplinary skills in raising consciousness, (including his own). He is a former corporate lawyer, author of an autobiographical account of men’s inner evolution, a Wharton graduate (cum laude accounting major), knowledgeable in the financial markets and learned in Eastern philosophies …
WEA’s Gala is Coming Up on September 19th!
WEA’s Gala is Coming Up on September 19th! Here are five reasons to join us for our annual celebration, From Ripple to Wave: 1. We will celebrate the world’s women who are making ripples. You will meet Rose Malalwa, who will be joining as a Special Guest. 2. We will take you back to earth. We will …
By Rosalinda Sanquiche, Executive Director, Ethical Markets Media The Henderson-Kay-Schumacher Library housed at Ethical Markets in Saint Augustine, FL, has the privilege of growing a Champion Tree. Champion Trees are the largest individuals a species has to offer. By the easiest metrics, they are the largest (or oldest) trees of …
“Pamela Davis Investigates” Interviews Hazel Henderson
Many of us have spent a lot of time wondering about, stressing about, pursuing money. In the advent of recent crises, we’re asking questions about money and the direct and perhaps greater role of the ever mysterious “finance” in our lives. * What should be our relationship with money? …
Trust Alliance Trust Sheet May 2013
Alliance of Trustworthy Business Experts Contact: Top Thought Leaders 2013 Press Release Join the Alliance! Support our mission by purchasing Trust Across America logo items. You asked for it and we delivered it! …
Forum 2000 Focusing on Social Transformation and Havel’s Global Minimum this 15-17 September 2013
Press release, 19 March 2013, Prague This year, Forum 2000 is focusing on social transformation and Havel’s global minimum The 17th annual Forum 2000 conference takes place this year in Prague on 15-17 September. Confirmed guests include His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel and notable …
Jamie Johnson’s “One Percent”
This 80-minute documentary focuses on the growing “wealth gap” in America, as seen through the eyes of filmmaker Jamie Johnson, a 27-year-old heir to the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical fortune. Johnson, who cut his film teeth at NYU and made the Emmy®-nominated 2003 HBO documentary Born Rich, here sets his …
The 3 Keys to Discovering Your Life’s Purpose with Dr. Jean Houston
We at Ethical Markets highly recommend this opportunity! Hazel Henderson, Editor Dear Friends, I’m thrilled to be writing you today about a rare and powerful free teleclass with Dr. Jean Houston. Jean is one of the founders of the Human Potential Movement, has advised heads of state, and is one …