Ethical Markets is happy to post news from the EU “ Beyond GDP” group, since I served on its Advisory Board and Organizing Committee! ~ Hazel Henderson,Editor Beyond GDP Measuring progress, true wealth, and the wellbeing of nations July 2014 newsletter Interview Quote In the spotlight In brief Agenda On …
UNEVEN JOB RECOVERY POSES CHALLENGES TO MOST COUNTRIES, UN LABOUR AGENCY REPORTS New York, Jun 3 2013 1:00PM Five years after the global financial crisis, the world employment situation remains uneven with emerging and developing economies recovering much faster than most advanced countries, the United Nations labour agency today reported, …
WORLD’S YOUTH FACING WORSENING UNEMPLOYMENT, WARNS NEW UN REPORT New York, Jan 21 2013 7:00PM Global unemployment rose in 2012 amid continuing economic insecurity and insufficient policies stifling overall hiring, a new report by the United Nations labour agency has warned, adding that the world’s youth were most vulnerable to …
Work-Family Balance Benefits Families and Society At Large, Says Ban
New York, May 15 2012 9:05AM Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has highlighted the need for work-family balance for the benefit of families and society at large, adding that while flexible working arrangements are becoming more widely available, there is much room for improvement. “We need to respond to the ever-changing complexities of work and family life,” …
Un’s Global Report On Youth Highlights Rising Concerns Over Lack Of Job Prospects
UN’S GLOBAL REPORT ON YOUTH HIGHLIGHTS RISING CONCERNS OVER LACK OF JOB PROSPECTS New York, Feb 6 2012 2:05PM A lack of job opportunities, inadequate education, vulnerable working conditions and insufficient government investment are some of the main concerns of young people around the world, according to a United Nations …
Un Human Development Rankings Place Norway At The Top And Dr Congo Last
UN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT RANKINGS PLACE NORWAY AT THE TOP AND DR CONGO LAST New York, Nov 2 2011 4:05PM Norway, Australia and the Netherlands lead this year?s newly released Human Development Index (HDI) rankings, the annual United Nations measure of progress in human well-being, while the Democratic Republic of the …
G20 Leaders Must Put People Before Bankers – ITUC OnLine
INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION ITUC OnLine G20 Leaders Must Put People Before Bankers Brussels, 31 October 2011 (ITUC OnLine): G20 leaders must meet the demands of working people at the G20 summit in Cannes on 3-4 November 2011 and deliver on their promises to reform the financial sector. As the …
UN Official Calls for Inclusive Economic Growth Strategies to Tackle Global Jobs Crisis
New York, Oct 27 2011 7:05PM The international community must urgently consolidate efforts to tackle the global jobs crisis, a top United Nations official said today, calling for countries to adopt a more inclusive growth strategy that can enhance nations’ productivity and capacity to generate income sources. Lazarous Kapambwe, President …