Smart Planet Daily: A New Age of Sail? Clipper ships are back in business

Jay OwenTrendspotting

    Manage my newsletters  |  Trouble viewing this mail? Read it online.  |  Previous Edition     SmartPlanet Daily July 31, 2013 A daily briefing of the newest stories on SmartPlanet, five days a week.   From the Desk of … But these aren’t your grandmother’s clipper ships. Plus, C.C. Sullivan asks whether …

Within 6 Hours Deserts Receive More Energy from the Sun than Humankind Consumes Within a Year

kristyGreen Prosperity, Nature/Biomimicry

?Within 6 Hours Deserts Receive More Energy from the Sun than Humankind Consumes Within a Year? Posted: 15 Apr 2012 07:00 AM PDT This is a nice quote from the Desertec site that, featured on the image above, that I thought made for another nice, short weekend share. And, of …