Funding the US government and avoiding the fiscal cliff

Jay OwenCommunity Development Solutions, Advisors' Forum

By Dr Shann Turnbull, Co-founding Member of the Sustainable Money Working Group, Ethical Markets Advisory Board Member, October 2013 The US government could fund both its operations and avoid the fiscal cliff by introducing a self-liquidating and self-financing negative interest rate complementary currency. The US Treasury could issue say one trillion …

Global mobile penetration: near 96% | SmartPlanet Daily

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, Wealth of Networks

  SmartPlanet Daily A daily briefing of the newest stories on SmartPlanet, five days a week.   From the Desk of … In a world with 7 billion people, there will be 6.8 billion mobile phone subscriptions by the end of this year. Could there soon be more subscriptions than …

SmartPlanet Daily: There are (almost) as many cell phone subscriptions as people

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, Wealth of Networks

  SmartPlanet Daily A daily briefing of the newest stories on SmartPlanet, five days a week.   From the Desk of … In a world with 7 billion people, there will be 6.8 billion mobile phone subscriptions by the end of this year. Could there soon be more subscriptions than …

Alternative Energy: The 3% Solution Could Save US Businesses $780 Billion Within 10 Years

Jay OwenResource Efficiency, Greentech

Alternative Energy The 3% Solution Could Save US Businesses $780 Billion Within 10 Years Recent Trends in Climate Change Indicators Battery Made From Wood — Efficient, Long-Lasting, Environmentally-Friendly Battery Developed The Origins of Solar Energy Reliability More Efficient Modems, Routers Could Save Consumers $330 Million Annually  Study: Energy Efficiency Can …


NewEnergyNews Daily Headlines click here for main page: SUNDAY WORLD, 5-8: * Original reporting recap: Can You Run a Wind Farm From a Cell Phone? European wind engineering giant GL Garrad Hassan’s WindHelm does that—and could be worth a half billion euros a year. * Original reporting recap: American …

Will Big Oil and Oil Speculators Take the Enron Fall?

kristyResource Efficiency, Greentech

Some CPV News You Might Have Missed Last Week Concentrating photovoltaics are actually starting to generate megawatts of energy in 2011. Greentech Venture Funding in April Roundup A total of more than $330 million invested in 26 deals. Can You Run a Wind Farm From a Cell Phone? European wind …

Cell Phone Chargers to go Green

kristyResource Efficiency

Posted: 13 Jul 2010 01:52 PM PDT Today cell-phones have become an integral part of our life and are the most used mode of communication. More prevalent the use of cell-phone, more imperative is the need to curtail eco-pollution that emanates from the huge number of still-in-use and out-of-use cell …