GDP: Gauging Dematerialised Progress! By Hazel Henderson* ST. AUGUSTINE, Florida, Aug 2013 (IPS) -As of Aug. 1, 2013, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) finally stepped into our new 21st century. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will now include much of the intangible production and services which …
Public Sector Banks: From Black Sheep to Global Leaders
Public Sector Banks: From Black Sheep to Global Leaders Ellen Brown March 7, 2012 Once the black sheep of high finance, government owned banks can reassure depositors about the safety of their savings and can help maintain a focus on productive investment in a world in which effective financial …
The Public Option in Banking: Another Look at the German Model
THE PUBLIC OPTION IN BANKING: ANOTHER LOOK AT THE GERMAN MODEL Ellen Brown October 11, 2011 Publicly-owned banks were instrumental in funding Germany’s “economic miracle” after the devastation of World War II. Although the German public banks have been targeted in the last decade for takedown by their private …
Keeping The State’s Money In The State: An Alternative Solution To The Budget Crisis
Ellen Brown March 26, 2011 Cut spending, raise taxes, sell off public assets – these are the unsatisfactory solutions being debated across the nation; but the budget crises now being suffered by nearly all the states did not arise from too much spending or too little taxation. They arose …
How Wisconsin Could Turn Austerity into Prosperity – Own a Bank
How Wisconsin Could Turn Austerity into Prosperity – Own a Bank Ellen Brown March 5, 2011 Public sector man sitting in a bar: “They’re trying to take away our pensions.” Private sector man: “What’s a pension?” — Cartoon in the Houston Chronicle As states struggle to meet their budgets, …