Pulling Back the Curtain on the Wall Street Money Machine Ellen Brown December 7, 2011 http://WebofDebt.com/articles On November 27, Bloomberg News reported the results of its successful case to force the Federal Reserve to reveal the lending details of its 2008-09 bank bailout. Bloomberg reported that by March 2009, the …
Keeping The State’s Money In The State: An Alternative Solution To The Budget Crisis
Ellen Brown March 26, 2011 www.webofdebt.com/articles Cut spending, raise taxes, sell off public assets – these are the unsatisfactory solutions being debated across the nation; but the budget crises now being suffered by nearly all the states did not arise from too much spending or too little taxation. They arose …
Restoring Economic Sovereignty: The Push for State-owned Banks
Ellen Brown February 15, 2011 www.webofdebt.com/articles “It is time to declare economic sovereignty from the multinational banks that are responsible for much of our current economic crisis. Every year we ship over a billion dollars in Oregon taxpayer dollars to out-of-state and multinational banks in the form of deposits, only …