Honoring the Lifetime Achievement of Tessa Tennant

LaRae LongReforming Global Finance, Global Citizen, Sustainability News, Beyond GDP

“Ethical Markets honors the extraordinary lifetime achievements of  illustrious member of our global Advisory Board  and my  beloved friend, Tessa Tennant, who  left us on July 7th.  Tessa’s achievements in her short life were also  honored with the investiture of UK Queen Elizabeth’s Order of the British Empire at a ceremony in Edinburgh, Scotland, the country of Tessa’s birth.  This picture was taken after the ceremony.”


In this  TV program “The Future of Finance:  Sustainability or Collapse”, made in 2017, Tessa explains her work at the UN Climate summits and in  helping organize financial investments in the renewable clean development paths to  which all the member countries  of the UN  are committed.


Tessa never tired of her lifetime efforts to  transform finance into  enabling the global transition now underway toward cleaner, greener, knowledge-richer and inclusive societies for our common human future.  She launched Britain’s first green fund, chaired the UK Social Investment Forum and  served as a Trustee of Britain’s Green Development Bank.  Tessa co-founded the Carbon Disclosure Project, now CDP, ASRIA, based in Hong Kong, which launched socially-responsible investing in Asian countries and led to  the founding of the UN Principles of Responsible Investing (UNPRI), of which Ethical Markets is a signatory, and of Syntao in China, the company led by Wayne Silby, founder of the Calvert group, which now has offices in many Chinese cities.

Tessa’s official bio only tells some of her amazing story, which is expanded in her blog, Tessa Tennant-About the Author.  Her many admirers held a wonderful appreciation of Tessa in London on June 28th, and presented her with the newly-launched “Tessa Tennant Lifetime Achievement Award”.  Unable to  attend, I watched the whole event on video, now at www.lifetimeachievement.uk , which also launched a fund to place a sculpture in the heart of London to “Celebrate the Transformational Power of Green Finance “ .  Our deep appreciation for all these friends, hosted by Aviva’s Steve Waygood, as well as by  Mark Campanale, James Cameron, Kirsty Hamilton, Liberty-Belle Howard, Jeremy Leggett and Nick Robins.  We will always be grateful for her input to me and her review of our Green Transition Scoreboard® 2018 research.  Tessa’s inspiration, courageous spirit  and her intellectual brilliance will be with us always.

~Hazel Henderson , Editor “