Earth Day is Forever

Jay OwenWealth of Networks, Latest Headlines

“Ethical Markets applauds our friends at EARTH DAY, and for their great suggestion for showing your support for our indispensable US Postal Service:

BUY the lovely new EARTH DAY Forever stamps!!  Thanks, EARTH DAY!   And let’s revive Postal Savings Accounts and repeal the stupid law punishing the USPTO with onerous future health benefits for future employees.  When repealed, this heavy, punitive financial burden would reveal that the USPTO actually makes money!

Now the Post Office is vital for the mail-in ballots we must have for our November elections!

~Hazel Henderson, Editor“

Finally, to honor the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, comes the Earth Day stamp we’ve been waiting for!

Support the U.S. Postal Service and our essential U.S. postal workers by ordering the Earth Day stamp. Or buy them at your local post office.

Use the Earth Day Forever stamp whenever you send mail. You’ll also be raising awareness about our environment.

The Earth Day Forever stamp features USPS Stamp Development Art Director Antonio Alcalá’s painting of Earth with small green lines surrounding the planet, rendered in gouache (a type of watercolor using opaque paint) on watercolor paper.

These are Forever stamps, staying current even if postal rates go up, because Earth Day will always be Every Day.


Kathleen Rogers
President, Earth Day Network

P.S. Please support our work, too, to protect our planet and make sure Earth Day is forever.