Women Rising for Climate Justice from COP21 into the New Year – WECAN Newsletter December 2015

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen


Winter Greetings! The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network delegation has just returned from an intense, inspiring and moving two weeks on the ground in Paris during COP21 climate negotiations. We come home with hope derived from the epic efforts of the climate justice movement, and with a deepened sense of the great work ahead.

In Paris, world governments from 195 nations signed onto an unprecedented global climate agreement. WECAN acknowledges the groundbreaking effort, which sends critical signals around the end of the fossil fuel era – however we must be very real about what the agreement is not.

Countries have agreed to aim for a temperature rise below the 2 degree level and included 1.5 degrees as an aspirational target (which we applaud), however thus far there are not nearly sufficient carbon emission reduction commitments, legal and financial mechanisms, and resources needed to truly achieve this. Due to the level of urgency for the most vulnerable communities, we find this type of vague commitment simply unacceptable – we are talking about life and death circumstances for frontline communities. Moreover, the Paris accord fails to address the root causes of the climate crisis and the structures of injustice that perpetuate it. For further analysis please see our blog in which we breakdown the text of the Agreement in more detail.

The really good news coming out of Paris is that people around the world are standing up boldly and calling forth the healthy, just future that we are envisioning together. The climate justice  movement made an impact in pushing governments to act more ambitiously then they would have and has been vibrantly  displayed in Paris, with major actions on the streets with tens of thousands of people, hundreds of events, assemblies, concerts and educational workshops all focused on just climate solutions. People’s movements are where power and hope lies as we move forward. And move forward we will!

We return home more dedicated than ever to care for our Mother Earth, all generations and all species. Explore this end of the year newsletter for the beauty and power of what is possible and for recaps of strong actions and events in Paris and photo highlights from an incredible year. Then we invite you to participate in end of year donations so we can continue our work together for climate justice in 2016, thank you!

Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of 

Climate Change – Paris  


On December 7th, worldwide women gathered at one of our main public events, ‘Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Climate Change – Paris’ to speak out against environmental and social injustices in their communities, present the strategies with which they are working to shape a healthy future, and strengthen networks of women for climate justice across the globe.


We thank everyone who shared their struggles and solutions as a part of this dynamic event that was filled beyond room capacity, and we were thrilled that France’s equivalent of the New York Times, Le Monde covered the story. Visit our blog next week for a detailed event recap and statements directly from the outstanding women involved.

While in Paris, WECAN allies united to speak truth to power at a formal UNFCCC side event and press conference inside COP21 -bringing to fruition WECAN’s commitment to directly bring stories  of Indigenous and frontline communities to decision makers.
Click here to WATCH this extremely powerful video of Kandi Mossett (Indigenous Environmental Network), Neema Namadamu (WECAN DR Congo), Patricia Gualinga (Kichwa leader of Sarayaku, Ecuador), Casey Camp Horinek (Ponca Nation) and Osprey Orielle Lake (WECAN International) speak out for climate justice, women’s leadership and the defense and protection of the Earth.

International Rights of Nature Tribunal


WECAN International Executive Director, Osprey Orielle Lake, served as a judge and event organizer during the International Rights of Nature Tribunal – presented by Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature.


Click here to learn more about the Tribunal and the critical cases presented over the course of this two-day gathering – held with the aim of exposing violations of the Earth and our communities, while simultaneously creating a new legal framework that respects and defends the inherent rights of Mother Earth. The Tribunal in Paris brought further recognition to the International Community about how Rights of Nature is an idea whose time has come, a powerful solution that the world needs to embrace.