Tyler Durden’s clickbait headline on Mark Carney’s statement , refuted !

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Beyond GDP, Latest Headlines

“Ethical Markets is grateful to Prof. Robert Hockett for providing the expert critique I requested of  the Zero Hedge “clickbait” headline mis-interpreting Mark Carney’s statement in Jackson Hole.  “The Zero Hedge headline is ridiculous!  What Carney is suggesting is a digital rendition of John Maynard Keynes‘s 1944 Bancor plan, the absence of which can be credited with much of the dysfunction of the past 75 years“  (see link below ).  Many thanks, Prof. Hockett!

I realized that some explanation was needed, and also reached out to our other monetary experts lawyer Ellen Brown, author of “The Public Bank Solution“ and “Banking on People“ (2019), as well as our longtime colleague Prof. Joseph Huber, author of  “Sovereign Wealth“ (2018).  Further comments welcome!

We urge our colleagues at OTHER NEWS to also carry this refutation of Tyler Durden (see also  below).

~Hazel Henderson, Editor“


The Zero Hedge headline is ridiculous. What Carney is suggesting is a digital rendition of JMK’s 1944 Bancor plan, the absence of which can be credited with much of the dysfunction of the past 75 years.



Hockett, Robert C., Bretton Woods 1.0: An Essay in Constructive Retrieval (April 8, 2011). New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, Vol. 16, 2013; Cornell Legal Studies Research Paper No. 11-11.