PR: Calling on the UN to better address the needs of future generations Press release – for immediate release Calling on the UN to better address the needs of future generations World Future Council campaigns for High Commissioner for Future Generations to safeguard lives of tomorrow London/NY, 1 July 2014 …
What do you think needs to change in finance? You have an opportunity to let us know your opinion in a survey below. There was a remarkable conference in USA last week and the video presentations are available now. The Transforming Finance conference is happening in London next week. And Positive Money is looking …
ShareAction (formerly FairPensions) welcomes the announcement of the terms of reference of the Law Commission’s review into fiduciary duty.
ShareAction: Review of investors’ duties a ‘major step forward’ ShareAction has welcomed Vince Cable’s announcement of the terms of reference for the Law Commission’s review of investors’ fiduciary duties. The announcement, made as the Secretary of State appeared before a Select Committee inquiry into the Kay Review, represents the implementation …
Fiduciary duty and clients’ long-term interests: UK initiatives launching this Spring
Network for Sustainable Financial Markets has posted a new item, ‘Fiduciary duty and clients’ long-term interests: UK initiatives launching this Spring’ Several initiatives to increase understanding of the issue of fiduciary duty and acting in clients long-term interests are being rolled out, with NSFM participants at the forefront. As FTfm …