Whether risks emerge from human aggression or other factors, the core mission of national military forces is to provide protection from threats to security. Climate Change is multiplying threats to peace and stability, forcing military leaders everywhere to adapt strategic planning. A briefing published today summarises security-related findings of the Intergovernmental …
May – Thriving in the Midst of Climate Change – other Updates from ILSR
Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend First Broadband Technology Opportunities Project Transforms Rural Georgia Communities When the North Georgia Network was constructed the community was searching for a strategy to grow as agriculture and manufacturing opportunities slowly left the region. In this episode of ILSR’s Community …
Big moves at ILSR – New victories and new staff
Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend ILSR provides innovative strategies and timely information to support environmentally sound and equitable community development. Like what we do? Please consider supporting our work. Self-Reliance in the News Coming to a curb near you: Compost collection Community-Owned Internet, Long Targeted by ALEC …
ENB on the Side – UN Conference on Sustainable Development – Energy Day at Rio+20
Energy day at Rio+20 Opening Session: Achieving sustainable energy for all Robert Orr, Policy Coordination and Strategic Planning in the Executive Office of the Secretary-General, moderated the opening session of Energy Day at Rio+20, which was convened under the theme “Achieving Sustainable Energy for All.” Sha Zukang, Secretary-General of Rio+20, …
Top 10 Issues & Campaigns of 2012
Top 10 Issues & Campaigns of 2012 As a team, The Future 500 staff and board believe passionately in the promise of corporations and NGOs coming together to advance systemic solutions to our most urgent sustainability challenges. Each Fall, we hold a series of strategic planning meetings where we outline …
Capacity Building Grants for Microenterprise Development Organizations
Capacity Building Grants for Microenterprise Development Organizations Funded by the U.S. SBA PRIME Program Capacity building is often defined as “actions that improve nonprofit effectiveness. “Thanks to the SBA PRIME Program, nonprofits that help low-income individuals start and expand small businesses can apply for assistance to increase capacity and impact. …