Subscribe / Unsubscribe / Membership EFES NEWSLETTER – JULY 2013 Rectification about European Parliament’s study The European Parliament – Economic & Scientific Policy Department published a study named “Employee Financial Participation and Companies’ Proceeds”. This study published by the European Parliament was quoted by the European Commission as the most …
EFES NEWSLETTER – APRIL 2013 For the first time since the financial crisis occurred…
EFES NEWSLETTER – APRIL 2013 For the first time since the financial crisis occurred… … the number of employee shareholders in Europe didn’t increase last year, and the democratization rate of employee ownership went down. A new differentiation appears between top executives and other employees since the beginning of …
New facts about employee ownership in February 2013
Subscribe / Unsubscribe / Membership EFES NEWSLETTER – FEBRUARY 2013 New era for employee share plans in the UK The British government has given the green light to substantial simplification and reform of all four approved share ownership schemes during the course of the next 15 months. This follows the …
New facts about employee ownership in September 2012
EFES NEWSLETTER – SEPTEMBER 2012 A new era of capitalism in the UK The British Government announces a new era of capitalism. “Never before, employee ownership had so much attention in the UK”, Minister for Employment Norman Lamb said. They are going “to shift employee ownership into the mainstream of …
Employee share ownership and the EU corporate governance framework
EFES NEWSLETTER – DECEMBER 2011 Employee share ownership and the EU corporate governance framework In 2011, the European Commission published a Green Paper and they organized a public consultation about the EU Corporate Governance Framework. Question 23 was about employee ownership: “Are there measures to be taken, and is so, …
New facts about employee ownership in July 2011
EFES NEWSLETTER – JULY 2011 New research on the impact of employee ownership A new research in the USA on the impact of employee ownership is the largest study ever on the connections among various forms of shared capitalism, organizational culture, and company performance. On the other hand, an important …
EFES Newsletter: A European Single Market for employee ownership
EFES NEWSLETTER – MARCH 2011 A European Single Market for employee ownership European Commissioner Michel Barnier organised a vast consultation about the new “Single Market Act”. The single market is all about bringing down barriers and simplifying existing rules across Europe. It would also include a European single market for …
New facts about employee ownership in November 2010
EFES NEWSLETTER – NOVEMBER 2010 Conference on public policies for employee ownership in Europe The conference will be held in Brussels on November 26. With the Rapporteurs of the European Economic & Social Committee, Alexander Graf von Schwerin and Madi Sharma, with European Commissioners László Andor and Michel Barnier, Pervenche …
New researches about employee ownership and corporate performance
EFES NEWSLETTER – OCTOBER 2010 New researches about employee ownership and corporate performance Many new research works recently about employee ownership in the UK, in USA, in The Netherlands (see press review). Research confirms that employee-owned businesses offer greater resilience and tend to create new jobs more quickly and typically …