ACEEE Statement on Passage of the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2014 (HR 2126)

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

    NEWS RELEASE    Media Contact: Patrick Kiker  [email protected]   202.507.4043   aceee Statement on Passage of the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2014 (HR 2126)   Washington D.C. (March 5, 2014): Today 191 Republican and 184 Democratic members of the House joined to pass the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act …

ACEEE Statement on Passage of the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2014 (HR 2126)

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

    NEWS RELEASE    Media Contact: Patrick Kiker  [email protected]   202.507.4043   aceee Statement on Passage of the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2014 (HR 2126)   Washington D.C. (March 5, 2014): Today 191 Republican and 184 Democratic members of the House joined to pass the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act …

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: Deep Earth heat surprise: New findings on how heat is conducted in the deep lower mantle

Jay OwenEarth Systems Science

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News   Deep Earth heat surprise: New findings on how heat is conducted in the deep lower mantle Posted: 09 Aug 2013 05:41 AM PDT Researchers have for the first time experimentally mimicked the pressure conditions of Earths’ deep mantle to measure thermal conductivity using a new …

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News

Jay OwenEarth Systems Science

New models predict drastically greener Arctic in coming decades Congestion in Earth’s mantle: Mineralogists explain why plate tectonics stagnates in some places Splendid Skadar Lake (Montenegro and Albania) surprises with new species of snails Protective prion keeps yeast cells from going it alone In solving social dilemmas, vervet monkeys get …

Environmental Finance: Week of Jan 10th

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

  10 January 2012   Content added to Environmental Finance in the past week includes: Latest Analysis US wind celebration muted by slow restart, capital questions Setting the stage for energy efficiency investment Carbon capture and storage – six feet under? Latest News and Comment New York governor plans $1bn Green Bank …