The first Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) convened on Saturday and Sunday, 16 and 17 November 2013, at the University of Warsaw in Poland, on the sidelines of the 19th session of the Conference of the Parties (cop 19) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Forum combines …
Ombudspersons for Future Generations: Sign our Online Petition
Dear friends of the WFC, 23.03.2012 Viewed from space, the earth is a blue planet. Over 70 per cent of the planet is covered in oceans and major seas. They contain unique ecosystems such as coral reefs and harbour impressive variety and beauty. However, oceans and coasts are among the …
ENB Vol. 27 No. 7 – UN Conference on Sustainable Development Regional Preparatory Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean – Final Summary
Volume 27 Number 07 – Monday, 12 September 2011 SUMMARY OF THE UNCSD (RIO+20) REGIONAL PREPARATORY MEETING FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 7-9 SEPTEMBER 2011 The UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD or Rio+20) Regional Preparatory Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) convened at the headquarters of …