SRI breaks through the €100 billion mark in France

Ethical MarketsSRI/ESG News

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) represents €115 billion in assets under management in France and grew by 69% between 2010 and 2011, according to Novethic’s exclusive annual study of the French SRI market. The Novethic Research Centre also noted a widespread application of exclusion practices in non-SRI management, but with a limited impact. 

Growth of 69% 
In stark contrast to the overall drop across financial markets, the French SRI market demonstrated sharp growth in 2011. The financial crisis had a negative impact on fund raising. The investment managers that contributed to the development of SRI in fact converted existing funds in mass, covering more than €28 billion in assets in 2011. This shift was initiated by one of the SRI leaders in France, which currently holds 48% of the €115 billion. Others followed suit.

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