National Healthy Communities Conference (2nd Annual) | Monday, November 7, 2011 | WATCH LIVE!

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Healthy Communities Conference:
Building Systems to Integrate Community Development and Health
Monday, November 7, 2011

Co-Sponsored By:

The Pew Charitable Trusts
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

As the connections between health and community development become increasingly apparent, foundations, health institutions, government, community development organizations, private sector lenders and others have been experimenting with new ways to collaborate and leverage resources. Scaling these new approaches to measurably improve population health will require fundamental system reform. This conference will convene health experts, community developers, bankers, and policy makers to discuss promising new models and explore three areas of system reform that are urgently needed to formally align community development and health: data, capital, and policy.

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Healthy Communities Conference Agenda
November 7, 2011 (all times Eastern)

8:45 – 9:30 A.M. Welcome and Introductions
Shelley Hearne, Managing Director, The Pew Charitable Trusts (welcome)
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, President, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (call to action)
David Erickson, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (progress report)

9:30 – 10:00 A.M. Morning Keynote: Progress, One Year Later
Tamera Luzzatto, Managing Director, Government Relations, The Pew Charitable Trusts (introduction)
Melody Barnes, Domestic Policy Adviser and Director of the Domestic Policy Council, The White House

10:15 – 11:15 A.M. Working Together: Regional Models, Lessons, and Strategies for Scale
Lisa Richter, Principal, GPS Capital Partners (moderator)
David Fleming, Director of Public Health, Seattle/King County
Paul Grogan, President, The Boston Foundation
Kimberlee Cornett, Director of Social Innovation Practice, Kresge Foundation

11:15 – 12:15 P.M. Bending the Cost Curve: Integrating Health and Community Development
Douglas Jutte, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley School of Public Health (moderator)
Ronda Kotelchuck, Executive Director, Primary Care Development Corporation
David Kindig, Emeritus Professor, University of Wisconsin
Neal Halfon, Director, UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families, and Communities

12:15 – 1:15 P.M. Lunch
Susan Dentzer, Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs

1:15 – 2:15 P.M. Systems Change: Capital
Nancy Andrews, President and CEO, Low Income Investment Fund (moderator)
Dan Letendre, CDFI Lending & Investing Executive, Bank of America
Alicia Glen, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
Annie Donovan, Chief Operating Officer, NCB Capital Impact

2:30 – 3:30 P.M. Systems Change: Data
Nancy Adler, Director, Center for Health and Communities, UCSF (moderator)
Aaron Wernham, Director of the Health Impact Project, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Sister Lillian Murphy, CEO, Mercy Housing
Catherine Ross, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Todd Park, Chief Technology Officer, Health and Human Services

3:30 – 5:00 P.M. Systems Change: Policy
Nicolas Retsinas, Professor, Harvard University (moderator)
Raphael Bostic, Assistant Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development
Julie Moreno, Surgeon General Assignee to the Domestic Policy Council, The White House
Larkin Tackett, Director of Place-Based Initiatives, Department of Education
Lisa Garcia, Senior Advisor on Environmental Justice, Environmental Protection Agency

5:00 – 5:15 P.M. Closing and Next Steps
James Marks, Senior Vice President, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
David Erickson, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

To learn more about the Healthy Communities Initiative, visit: