EthicMark® Award Winners 2018 Announced at The SRI Conference

LaRae LongGlobal Citizen, Trendspotting, Wealth of Networks

“Ethical Markets is delighted that our brainchild, the EthicMark® Awards for Advertising that Uplifts the Human Spirit & Society  is again announcing our 2018 winning ad campaigns at the prestigious SRI Conference again this year!  Watch these winners and be inspired!

With admiration for the winners and warmest wishes to  All.

~Hazel Henderson, Editor”

CSR News

ETHICMARK® Winners: “Ørsted” and “Trash Isles” Best Advertising Campaigns For 2018

Advertising campaigns addressing human-made challenges with human-creative solutions honored by sustainable investors at the SRI Conference.


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., /CSRwire/ – Ørsted from Denmark and a Plastic Oceans International campaign are the 2018 winners of the EthicMark® Awards for advertising and media campaigns that “uplift the human spirit and society.”

Founded in 2004 by sustainability pioneer and renowned futurist Hazel Henderson, chair, the EthicMark® Awards  demonstrate the power of advertising and marketing campaigns to inspire, focus on human potentials and further both public and private legitimate interests.  Winning campaigns uphold high standards of truth, integrity, responsibility, transparency and fairness, respecting diversity and refraining from greenwashing, instilling fear or misusing brain science.

The For-Profit winner is DONG Energy has become Ørsted from Ørsted Energy in Denmark. On their homepage, Ørsted explains its transition from oil and gas to renewable energy, emphasizing that the planet is home to all of us.

The Non-Profit winner is Trash Isles, from the Plastic Oceans International and LADbible.  This demonstrates the sad state of our oceans by petitioning the United Nations to acknowledge a new ocean state – the Trash Isles, meeting the UN criteria for a country!

“Truth and trust are vital to all markets and societies,” says Hazel Henderson.  “Advertising drives media content—often mis-educating and misleading public opinion and choices.  The EthicMark® Awards call media to higher standards”.  Co-chair Rinaldo Brutoco, President, World Business Academy says “These Awards have raised the ethical bar for all ads on all media“.

Dr Mila Popovich, World Academy of Art & Science, on the EthicMark Awards Executive Committee, announced the winners at the 29th annual SRI Conference on Sustainable, Responsible, Impact Investing in Colorado Springs, CO.  Jan Mercer Dahms. CEO, emphasizes to investors and investment professionals, the positive impact of marketing to their sustainability mission.

Distinct from other advertising and marketing awards, EthicMark® award-winning organizations are recognized for the creativity of their message, the value of the product or service and the quality of the organization’s culture. This holistic standard ensures the integrity of the Awards and the esteem accruable to winners’ reputations.

The EthicMark® Awards thank pro bono Managing Director Rosalinda Sanquiche, Founder of Well Written Consulting, and our sponsor Ethical Markets Media, Certified B Corporation, co-sponsored by  the SRI Conference , the World Business Academy; ESPM, Brazil’s premier college for communication and marketing; GlobeScan; TBLI; Sustainable Brands; Tomorrow’s Company and Where Good Grows. 

The SRI Conference is presented by The SRI Conference and Community, a Folio Financial company, in partnership with First Affirmative Financial Network.  It is the largest, longest-running annual meeting of responsible investors and investment professionals working to direct investment capital toward a truly sustainable future.

Ethical Markets Media (USA and Brazil) is a multinational Certified B Corporation, working to reform markets and metrics while helping accelerate and track the transition to the green economy with the Green Transition Scoreboard®, Transforming Finance TV Series, and reports, articles, newsletters, and analysis by Hazel Henderson, editor-in-chief, on

Cherith Harrison, SRI Conference, 703-245-4891 or or
Joanna Black, 646-912-2681 or
Hazel Henderson, Ethical Markets Media, 904-829-3140 or

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ETHICMARK® Winners: “Ørsted” and “Trash Isles” Best Advertising Campaigns For 2018