Dominant Money.

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Latest Headlines

“Ethical Markets highly recommends this latest article “Theory of  Dominant Money“ from our colleague  Prof. Joseph Huber, one of the top global experts on the changing nature of money.  This article brings us up to date on how central banks are countering the private initiatives like Facebook’s Libra, by moving toward issuing their own central banks digital currencies.


See also the “Future of Money“ conference convened by our partner the World Academy of Art & Science in Dubrovnik, November, 2019, at which I also  presented

~Hazel Henderson,  Editor“

New research paper on a Theory of Dominant Money

The paper is about the hierarchy of existing types of money, as a present-day snapshot taken from the history of the rise and decline of new types of money, i.e. tidal changes in the composition of the money supply, from early paper money to the now upcoming rise of sovereign digital currency (CBDC).

Part I    Taxonomy and hierarchy of money, and the monetary tide changes since early modernity

Part II    The upcoming rise of sovereign digital currency (CBDC) and the incipient end of bankmoney

by Joseph Huber