ANNOUNCEMENT: Carnegie Council Journal, Ethics & International Affairs

kristyGlobal Citizen

The Carnegie Council is pleased to announce the publication of the Fall 2010 issue of its quarterly journal, Ethics & International Affairs.

This issue features John Kelsay on just war, jihad, and comparative ethics; Toni Erskine on punishing delinquent institutions; Thomas E. Doyle, II, on reviving nuclear ethics; Sujatha Byravan and Sudhir Chella Rajan on the ethical implications of sea-level rise due to climate change; Chris Brown on Amartya Sen; and Rekha Nath on recent books on cosmopolitanism.

To subscribe to Ethics & International Affairs, or to purchase individual issues and articles, go to Wiley-Blackwell.

Just War, Jihad, and the Study of Comparative Ethics [Full Text]

John Kelsay

What can the study of the comparative ethics tell us about the similarities and divergences between the just war and jihad traditions? How can the discipline help locate shared concerns, identify persistent differences, and reveal common narratives?

The Ethical Implications of Sea-Level Rise Due to Climate Change [Abstract]

Sujatha Byravan, Sudhir Chella Rajan

Does humanity have a moral obligation toward the estimated millions of individuals who will be displaced from their homes over the course of this century primarily due to sea-level rise as the earth’s climate warms? What form should these actions take?

Kicking Bodies and Damning Souls: The Danger of Harming “Innocent” Individuals While Punishing “Delinquent” States [Abstract]

Toni Erskine

Institutions can be assigned duties, and thus can also be blamed for failing to discharge them. But how can we respond to this type of failure? Punishment is a prominent and problematic response to institutional delinquency.

Reviving Nuclear Ethics: A Renewed Research Agenda for the Twenty-First Century [Abstract]

Thomas E. Doyle

Since the end of the Cold War, international ethicists have focused largely on issues outside the traditional scope of security studies. The nuclear ethics literature needs to be revived and reoriented to address the new and evolving 21st century nuclear threats and policy responses.

On Amartya Sen and “The Idea of Justice” [Full Text]

Chris Brown

“The Idea of Justice” summarizes and extends many of the themes Amartya Sen has been engaged with for the last quarter century: economic versus political rights, cultural relativism and the origin of notions such as human rights, and entitlements and their relation to gender equality.

The Commitments of Cosmopolitanism [Abstract]

Rekha Nath

Gillian Brock’s “Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account” and Darrel Moellendorf’s “Global Inequality Matters” present carefully crafted accounts of the obligations we have to non-compatriots and offer practical proposals for how we might get closer to meeting these obligations.


United Nations Justice: Legal and Judicial Reform in Governance Operations

Calin Trenkov-Wermuth’s “United Nations Justice” provides a thoughtful and useful contribution to the understanding of how UN governance operations have evolved.

New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding

This edited volume moves beyond the more common analyses of what works and what does not in building sustainable peace in order to raise deeper theoretical questions, such as what can be realistically expected of peacebuilding efforts.

“Preemption: Military Action and Moral Justification” Edited by Henry Shue and David Rodin [Full Text]

Surveying a variety of perspectives on the uses and limits of preemption, this edited volume coalesces around three key themes: differences in just war terminology between disciplines; historical perspectives on changes in key concepts; and the evolution of preventive war thinking in the U.S.

Carl Schmitt and the Politics of Hostility, Violence and Terror

Gabriella Slomp’s “Carl Schmitt and the Politics of Hostility, Violence and Terror” examines Schmitt’s work as a whole, but sets out in particular to draw out contradictions and tensions in Schmitt’s theoretical endorsement of authoritarian state power.