A Big Green Ray of Hope

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

It wasn’t that long ago that the green economy was seen as an outlier.  Traditionalists were banking on the rebuild of established sectors like automotive and finance.  The green economy was readily dismissed as tiny and although it might one day be important, that day was far off in the future.  Well, the future is here my friends.  Since 2009, I’ve been tracking the growth of the global green economy through theGreen Transition Scoreboard®.  Every six months, I hunt for the best research to quantify private investments in the following sectors – Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Green Construction, Green Research & Development, and Cleantech.  Back in 2009, research was scarce and I had to scrounge for numbers.  Now, I’m finding robust numbers from some of the most respectable market research firms.  My initial finding of $1.4 trillion has blossomed into a massive $5.2 trillion.  Read the latest press release here.