Special Solari Report: Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act of 2012

Ethical MarketsCrowdfunding

We thank Catherine Austin Fitts for this succinct guide to the JOBS ACT, – Hazel Henderson, Editor By Carolyn A. Betts, Esq. with Catherine Austin Fitts The following table compares the crowdfunding provisions enacted in Title 3 of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”) (as well as a …

Disclosure of Payments for Federal and State Lobbying, Trade Associations and ALEC

kristySRI/ESG News

Shareholder Initiative: More than 40 investors filed shareholder resolutions at 40 corporations asking them to report on lobbying expenditures, including indirect funding of lobbying through trade associations. 22 of these proposals are expected to go to a vote at annual stockholder meetings in Spring 2012. What the proposal asks for: …