Bitcoin, a post-meltdown currency for the rich?

kristyWealth of Networks

An article from P2P Foundation Bitcoin, a post-meltdown currency for the rich? Though being one of the first socially sovereign currencies with a peer to peer protocol (but also with a design that replicates and reinforces the artificial scarcity mechanics of the existing currencies), it’s no secret that part of …

Sail Transport Network is Unfurling

kristySustainability News, Resource Efficiency

Sail Transport Network is Unfurling By Jan Lundberg A sail transport revival is afoot and afloat around the world. As the cheap, easy crude oil has mostly been extracted from the Earth and spewed into the sky and water, the desirability and economics of sail power get stronger. Sail …

Peak Uranium – And Other Threats To Nuclear Power


Background: This article discusses the fact that the world will “run out of uranium” about the same time it “runs out of oil”. It is a limitation that was recognized from the very earliest days of nuclear research. Before the first commercial reactors were ever built, nuclear scientists were well …