Celebrating the Life of Barbara Marx Hubbard, her “7 Steps to the New Millennium”

Jay OwenAdvisors' Forum, The Power of Yin, Latest Headlines

I  wrote these thoughts about our beloved Barbara a few days ago, before she left us.  While millions around the world will miss her loving presence, many more millions will continue to see her and hear her forecast for humanity’s conscious evolution, as Barbara expressed her vison so clearly in this conversation with me in the late 1990s:

Seven Steps to a New Millennium


Barbara has inspired millions with her brilliance, reaching people with her lectures, books and course on Conscious Evolution … the next step we humans must now  take if we are to  survive.   Barbara will always be known as the unique planetary futurist … as Buckminster Fuller described her as “the most knowledgeable human” he had ever encountered.  Fuller knew that Barbara  understood our future choices.  She blew the top off future studies, soaring way beyond the thinking and careerism of so many technologically-focused professionals in the field.

Barbara also plumbed the depths of the human soul and allowed herself to deeply experience human life embodied in the living biosphere of this our home planet.  She happily gave birth to five unique humans along her path — learning and teaching women about the boredom of sexual arousal compared with personal “vocational arousal“ (see her free book)!

As with so many others, I was inspired and electrified by Barbara’s unbounded mind, personal courage and deep philosophy.  We met in the 1960s through our membership in the World Future Society.  Barbara activated me to fully unfold my own awareness, live my life experientially and fully, while aspiring to become a responsible planetary citizen.  Our deep sharing weekends in the late 1970s with our beloved friend, Jean Houston, resulted in the publishing of our discussions about humanity’s future choices and options in “The Power of Yin“, Cosimo Books, N.Y. in 2007.   Barbara and I happily shared my house for about a year together in Gainesville, Florida and we came to see ourselves as “Earth Child“ (me) and her as “Star Child“.  We pledged to always stay in touch by literally and metaphorically linking our little fingers together.  We shared the same cosmic awareness, but had chosen different paths in our current lifetimes to communicate what we had learned in different ways.  Barbara laughed about her childhood discovery of her Jewish heritage, at a neighborhood “wasp” kindergarten, where her classmates confronted her in the playground with “You killed our Lord!“.  She was later taken by her famous toymaker father to visit the US president in the White House, asking “What is the meaning of America’s power?” President Dwight Eisenhower responded “ Little girl, I don’t know!”.

Barbara has plumbed the depths of the human experience and soared to the heights of visionary cognitive mastery  in her planetary awareness of our place on Earth and our relationship to  our solar system.  Barbara grounded the futures movement and led us all to aspire in achieving our potential as planetary citizens.  She saw that with maturity and wisdom, we might well become a responsible inter-planetary species.

Whether or not our beloved Barbara chooses to stay longer with us here on Earth, she can claim her place in the firmament of cosmic intelligence.

On Sunday, I sent “Discovering Vocational Arousal” — my new ebook, about the creative, innovative force that exists when we discover our heart’s desire and “join genius” with others.

In case you missed it, Get my short ebook; No sign-up necessary: Discovering Vocational Arousal It’s something we each long for…and it’s something the world needs now! As Marc and I touched-on in the ebook, we are at a precipice in our human evolutionary story…and we’re about to tell a new story. A story of your “unique self,” of outrageous acts of love, and of a new community.

It’s something we each long for…and it’s something the world needs now!
As Marc and I touched-on in the ebook, we are at a precipice in our human evolutionary story…and we’re about to tell a new story. A story of your “unique self,” of outrageous acts of love, and of a new community.

An Evolutionary Impulse:
Vocational arousal is Spirit in action. It is Source sourcing you.
From Barbara

Join us for the next chapter: the 11th Hour Series where we will take you on a journey of human evolution and guide you to your own unique story of outrageous love.

Together, in the 11th Hour, we’ll explore…
How to accept the invitation to chart a new future.
How to engage the attractive forces of Allurement to guide your life.
Outrageous pain, outrageous love and a new narrative of intimacy.
Identifying and playing your instrument in the symphony of life: Your unique part.
The problem with the quest for purpose in life.
A new vision of community that is equal to our potential as a species.
Let’s cross the precipice at the 11th hour to our greatest destiny!

To your Unique Evolutionary story,
Barbara & Marc