What Will Trump Do? – PS On Point

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Global Citizen, TV Series, Beyond GDP

PS On Point Weekly Newsletter
Project Syndicate has got Trump covered like no one else, and this week’s On Point is a longer read than most. More than ever, it’s worth it.
Donald Trump Rally
What Will Trump Do?
The global shock administered by Donald Trump’s election to the US presidency continues to reverberate. How will President-elect Trump represent those who put him in power – and how will his power affect America and the world?
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Previously On PS OnPoint
Economic Hard Times
Is It Time to Abandon GDP?
Like many great inventions, gross domestic product has been used in ways that its creators never intended and might not approve. Given that it misses so much that contributes to human wellbeing – and excludes even more – why do we continue to rely on it as our primary welfare indicator?
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From Brookings Institution Press
Reflections on Progress
Reflections on Progress

Essays on the Global Political Economy

Kemal Dervi?, a scholar and policymaker with national, regional, and international experience at the highest levels, addresses issues of globalization and change in a thought-provoking series of essays written for Project Syndicate, now in a new book, Reflections on Progress: Essays on the Global Political Economy.