Toothless American Internet Giants? | China Vs. the US: Just the Facts

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Wealth of Networks

April 14, 2018

Toothless American Internet Giants?

In the past decade, America’s internet giants have grown to an enormous size. But the next few years are likely to be much less friendly to them. | By Martin Hutchinson

China Vs. the US: Just the Facts

China Vs. the US: The GDP Race

Who leads depends on how it’s measured. | By The Globalist

China Vs. the US: Lifespan Gains

A child born in China today can expect to live decades longer than someone born in China in 1950. | By The Globalist

China Vs. Europe: Living Standards and Costs

While much of China remains poor, some cities are now on par with EU levels. | By The Globalist

China Vs. the US: Who Has More Land?

The two countries have very similar land areas for now, but China has extensive additional claims. | By The Globalist

The Globalist in the Media


US Census 2020: A political boomerang for Republicans?

Op-ed by Robert J. Shapiro | April 11, 2018 | Read on TG

In Case You Missed It

The Orwellian Danger of Facebook

Is Mark Zuckerberg really in control of Facebook? Or is he a sorcerer’s apprentice that cannot handle the invention? | By Steven Hill

Global Trade War? The European Angle

The more the U.S. abstains from imposing new barriers to imports from the EU, the more may the EU support U.S. efforts to change Chinese trade and investment practices. | By Holger Schmieding

Toward a Trump Trade Round: Time to Negotiate!

The world has recoiled from Trump’s unilateralism. But history tells us that good things can come from false starts. | By Michael Gadbaw