Ethical Analysis of Disinformation Campaign’s Tactics: (1) Think Tanks, (2) PR Campaigns, (3) Astroturf Groups, and (4) Cyber-Bullying Attacks.

kristyEarth Systems Science

Hat tip to our colleague, Paul H. Ray Ethical Analysis of Disinformation Campaign’s Tactics: (1) Think Tanks, (2) PR Campaigns, (3) Astroturf Groups, and (4) Cyber-Bullying Attacks. By DONALD A BROWN on February 10, 2012 2:30 PM | 9 Comments | 0 TrackBacks I. Introduction. This is the third post …

Ethical Analysis of Disinformation Campaign’s Tactics: (1) Reckless Disregard for the Truth, (2) Focusing On Unknowns While Ignoring Knowns, (3) Specious Claims of “Bad” Science, and (4) Front Groups.

kristyEarth Systems Science

Hat tip to our colleague, Paul H. Ray Ethical Analysis of Disinformation Campaign’s Tactics: (1) Reckless Disregard for the Truth, (2) Focusing On Unknowns While Ignoring Knowns, (3) Specious Claims of “Bad” Science, and (4) Front Groups. By DONALD A BROWN on January 21, 2012 1:32 PM I. Introduction. This …