Success in Oakland! Ellen on the Coming Revolution in Banking

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Community Development Solutions

Public Banking Institute News: September 26, 2017

Left: Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember; Jesse Arrequin, Mayor Berkeley, CA; Dan Kalb, Oakland City Councilmember. Right: Susan Harman and Friends of Public Bank of Oakland

Grassroots organizing leads to success in Oakland

Last Tuesday, Oakland City Council approved the $100,000 feasibility study for the Public Bank of Oakland, putting that city squarely on track to create its own Public Bank! The city of Berkeley promised $25,000 toward the cost of the study and the city of Richmond and County of Alameda are likely to contribute as well, along with several private donors, making this a multi-city and community investment. [read more]  

Ellen and Walt interviewed about debt, speculation, and Public Banks

Last week, Doug McKenty, Mendocino host of The Shift, spoke for an hour with Ellen Brown and Walt McRee about money, debt slavery, the speculative economy and the public banking solution. McKenty describes we live in an economy controlled by central bankers who create money by lending a debt-based fiat currency and charging interest. Ellen and Walt explain how that interest finds its way into the speculative economy for the benefit of the very rich, and how a Public Bank can keep that interest in our communities for the benefit of the people on the street. Click here to watch the episode.

New Podcasts: The coming revolution in banking, “crypto-chango,” and how to hide public debt from public view

In the latest It’s Our Money podcasts, Ellen and Walt cover important ground that sheds light on changes to the world of money that are around the next corner:

Crypto-Chango and Truth in Accounting

The Coming Revolution in Banking and How Banking Really Works Now

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