Rodrik: Too Late to Compensate Free Trade’s Losers

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance

This week at Project Syndicate, Dani Rodrik says that the time to compensate globalization’s losers has passed, Nouriel Roubini plumbs the incoherence of US Republicans’ tax-reform proposals, Omar Ashour argues that Donald Trump was half right to attack Syria, and more. Join the conversation.

Too Late to Compensate Free Trade’s Losers

Dani Rodrik argues that the only viable alternative is to change the rules of globalization itself.

A Fiscal Reality Test for US Republicans

Nouriel Roubini expects the GOP’s tax-reform plan, with its yawning deficits and fanciful math, to end in failure.

A Game Changer for Syria?

Omar Ashour thinks the Trump administration’s recent missile strike hurt Russia more than the Assad regime.

From The MIT Press

The Vanishing Middle Class

By Peter Temin
The Vanishing Middle Class is a book for our unsettled times. We are a divided nation economically and politically, brought on by recent changes in the demand for and supply of skill layered on top of a long history of racial politics. Part social commentary, part history, part academic inquiry, Temin’s book tells us how the two parts of the modern dual economy can be glued back together.” — Claudia Goldin, Henry Lee Professor of Economics, Harvard University


Crouching Donald, Paper Tiger

Barry Eichengreen is not surprised by the US president’s deference to his Chinese counterpart at Mar-a-Lago.

What I Tell My Non-American Friends

Joseph Nye is optimistic about the resilience of US institutions and alliances in the face of Donald Trump.

Trump Stumbles into Putin’s Syrian Backyard

Nina Khrushcheva thinks the US could persuade Russia to become part of the solution in Syria – if the US had one.

The Dalai Lama Factor in Sino-Indian Relations

Shashi Tharoor thinks China should temper its anger over the Tibetan Buddhist leader’s visit to Arunachal Pradesh.

Trump the War President?

Ian Buruma marvels at the US media’s obsequious about-face following the missile attacks on a Syrian air base.

The Second Year of Europe

Richard Haass is confident that the continent’s future will be mostly determined from within, beginning in France.

Donald Trump’s Unexamined Life

Steven Nadler applies a lesson from Plato to a US president who is utterly lacking in self-awareness.

From the Archive

The Coming Confrontation with North Korea

Richard Haass is all but certain that Donald Trump will face a fateful decision regarding North Korea.