Regulatory Rollback Resources

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Beyond GDP

Regulatory Rollback Resources for Signatories 


Dear We Are Still In Signatories,

As you may know, we recently held a webinar to highlight four significant climate rollbacks that the EPA is currently undertaking that would further threaten the ability of the United States to achieve its pledge under the Paris Agreement. If you were unable to attend the webinar there is a two part recording available. Click here for access to Part 1 and Part 2 of the recording.

This packet follows up on that webinar and gives you the tools necessary to add your organization’s voice in opposition to these rollbacks. Included are resources that will allow you to (1) submit public comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), (2) write letters to the editor of local and national publications, and (3) engage in social media advocacy.
Click here for the Resources for Signatories packet.

Building up a record of support from a range of sectors for these important regulations will be essential in future efforts to reinstate and strengthen them. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance to your organization in this effort. You can contact Jen Lamy at Ceres at [email protected] if you would like help drafting comments or letters.