Privatization Cure Often Worse Than Malady

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Global Citizen, TV Series

Wonder Woman: Not the Hero the UN Needs
Sanam Naraghi Anderlini

For those of us who ever feel conflicted about the United Nations, the past month has been an exercise in managing absurd cognitive dissonance. First, on October 21 2016, the United Nations announced that the 1940s comic book heroine, Wonder Woman would be its new mascot for promoting the … MORE > >

Privatization Cure Often Worse Than Malady
Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Anis Chowdhury

Privatization of SOEs has been a cornerstone of the neo-liberal counterrevolution that swept the world from the 1980s following the economic crisis brought about by US Fed’s sharp hike in interest rates. Developing countries, seeking aid from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World … MORE > >

Data Innovation Powering Sustainable Development Goals
Magdy Martinez-Soliman

The world is awash with data. Today, more data than ever in human history is produced on a daily basis. Every time a person carries a cell phone from one place to another, tops up her mobile airtime or posts on social media, new data is created. The rapid increase of large data sets along … MORE > >