May’s Complimentary Solar Resources from Greentech Media

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Greentech Media, the source that brings you daily online news, market research and focused industry events, invites you to take advantage of the complimentary whitepapers from across the clean technology market in our Resource Center.Visit to see all of the available white papers, including the featured papers, highlighted below.
Featured Whitepapers:
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Six stages of solar bankability In order to ensure the availability of capital for solar electric power generation, developers need to mitigate the risks involved. This paper examines the first five stages of solar development to see how the decisions made during the development process affect a project’s bankability.  The sixth crucial stage of solar development that is also examined, customer enablement, is the stage that could tip the scale in the solar power adoption equation.

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ITW Introduces New Junction Box PottingSilicones offer proven performance for junction box potting in the harshest environments, as demonstrated by decades of reliability in aerospace, electronic and construction applications, providing stability and flexibility over a wide range of temperatures. Silicones are well known for their superior dielectric strength and high volume resistivity. They also exhibit excellent resistance to aging – they do not crack, harden, or become brittle like many organic materials.

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Case Study: The Bell Group Solar Parking CanopiesQuality Matters:  Learn how one of the first large-scale carport installation in New Mexico has out-performed expectations. The Bell Group Solar Canopy case study provides an overview of the installation and how the system performance is better than expected.