Happy Labor Day! The Future of Work – a Full Employment Economy – and beyond

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance

Happy Labor Day!

As we reflect on the labor movement’s achievements of the past, AMI is looking forward to the Future of Work.

As an integral part of the Future of Money, what will the Future of Work be?

In a largely AI-managed automated production system, what will the 50+ million new exciting careers created by the NEED Act actually be for?

What will a full employment economy mean?

What will normal working hours be? What will working conditions be like? What will the “work-life balance” be like? What will count as paid work?

Will we finally be paid a universal basic income for our work in the home and community, for raising children and caring for elders?

Will we finally realize that our “capital” – our culture – belongs to all of us as our cultural inheritance, and that we each have a right to be receiving our fair share of this in the form of a regular citizen’s dividend, based on our societal “profit” – our societal “capital formation” – shared out for our general welfare, to be fed back into our ongoing general progress.

In a full employment economy, workers will be in the driving seat in the workplace.

With a regular citizens’ dividend, we the people will be in the driving seat of the economy.

We will be discussing these topics in detail during the upcoming 13th Annual AMI Monetary Reform Conference.

Featured Speakers include:

Mark Pash, CFP, has been promoting monetary reform to our leaders and the general public for over 25 years. Mark will discuss “Creating a 21st Century Win-Win Economy: Preparation for the Robotic Age” and why monetary reform is crucial for the 21st Century, including his 28 reasons for monetary reform and the 14 ways of overcoming its major objection (excess inflation). Mark has long been active in politics serving on a Presidential and Congressional Campaign Advisory Economic Committees besides running for a Congressional seat in 1996.

Mark will be launching his new book “Creating a 21st Century Win-Win Economy” at this year’s AMI conference (copies of the book will be provided to conference participants). As part of the launch, he will discuss the many different ways that new money can be distributed and how it will create a 21st Century Win-Win Economy, even for the bankers. Mark is a Certified Financial Planner from the College of Financial Planning with a Bachelors and Masters in Business Administration from UCLA and USC, respectively. He has served and founded a number of financial organizations and industry associations. His extensive background brings a grounded understanding of the practical and theoretical in the field of macroeconomics. He has written many articles besides his book “Economic Theory of Relatively” and the website of his non-profit think tank, Center for Progressive Economics (CPE) at www.cpe.us.com.

Joseph M. Pijanowski, former Directing Business Representative of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers – Local 126, is highly regarded with a unique understanding of our current monetary system, its penalty to Workers and our economy.In an era of debt, austerity, and spiraling income inequality, we can no longer ignore the truth that workers, not plutocrats are the most important contributors to our economy. Real Monetary reform will unleash the creative power of the Working Class.IAM Local 126 was one of the key Union supporters of Kucinich’s monetary reform bill, HR2990. Joseph speaks on: Our Current Debt Based Money Used as a Medium of Exchange VS. Horses Used as Transportation – Strange but True History and Correlations

Sue Peters has degrees in History and Education and is an information technologist specializing in finance. Having spent 35 years on Wall Street, the last 15 at a multinational bank, she has an insiders knowledge of the relationship between Wall Street and money. She gave a public in-depth class on the book, The Lost Science of Money, by Stephen Zarlenga; the extensive class materials can be viewed from the HISTORY tab on the website, GreensForMonetaryReform.org.  She is a member of The American Monetary Institute, Green Party Manhattan Local, National Organization for Raw Materials (NORM), the website GreensForMonetaryReform.org and the NYC Labor Chorus. Sue will speak on how she built a local monetary reform group in New York City, developed a monetary reform education course, took monetary reform to local and national conferences, built a monetary reform group within a national political party, and reached out to national groups to engage with them about monetary reform. Sue is a role model for people getting involved in their local area, and, among members of the groups they belong to, promoting monetary reform. AMI wants others to emulate what Sue is doing.

“Benjamin Franklin” will be with us to recount the positive monetary experiences of the American colonies.   “Ben” will recount his firsthand experience in Pennsylvania, what he told the leaders of Britain and other European countries, and how he educated the people of his time through his writings.   “Ben” will also survey the initiatives undertaken in other American colonies to make their economies more prosperous – for example: Did you that the colony of Maryland issued money and distributed it to its people as a form of citizens’ dividend? “Ben” will reveal all!

Jamie Walton worked for two years in Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s office, helping put the N.E.E.D. bill together. He will describe how its various elements work. The three elements of this single reform are: 1) Incorporation of the Federal Reserve into the U.S. Treasury. 2) Ending Fractional Reserve Banking – Changes in accounting rules so that banks no longer create any part of what we use for money. 3) New money needed in a developing society is introduced by government spending money into circulation on things like infrastructure, starting with the $3.6 trillion our engineers (ASCE) tell us is needed by 2020. Also included will be the “human infrastructure” of education and health care. Read his latest work here. Jamie is an experienced civil engineer, and a senior AMI Researcher.

Professor Nicolaus Tideman received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago (where he studied under Milton Friedman among others), taught at Harvard (1968-73) and served as Senior Staff Economist at the President’s Council of Economic Advisers (1970-71) before moving to Virginia Tech in 1973. He has been Professor of Economics there since 1985. While his research has focused primarily on urban economics, public finance, voting rules and social justice, in 1975 he collaborated with Nobel Laureate James Buchanan in writing on “Gold, Money and the Law.” Professor Tideman has participated in all of the AMI conferences. His topic this year is Points of agreement and disagreement with the AMI program. Professor Tideman characterizes the AMI program as ending the lending of deposits (agreed) providing a smooth transition to an alternative to bank lending for creating money (nice work!) and creating money by having the government spend it into circulation (problematic — there is a better alternative).

Robert Poteat is current Director of the American Monetary Institute and is among the most knowledgeable, reality-based experts on our money system in America. A long-term and meticulous monetary researcher, certainly among the top half dozen in America in awareness of monetary systems. Robert discusses why the American Monetary Act is needed in order to help resolve the greatest crises we now face. He writes: “The results of the privatized bank credit system are so well documented by history that to recount them is cubic redundancy. However, politics seems to operate on sound bite redundancy. We must frame our case to win the battle of monetary reform.”

Come and join the conversation! Register your interest here: http://www.monetary.org/2017-ami-monetary-reform-conference