GGKP Knowledge Update – New Research on Green Growth and Fiscal Instruments, The Pathways to Green Economy and more…

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Reforming Global Finance, SRI/ESG News, Greentech, TV Series, Beyond GDP



Feature Story: GGKP and TERI release journal focused on green fiscal reform

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), in collaboration with the GGKP, has released a special issue of ‘The International Journal on Green Growth and Development’, to stir debate around emerging

 green concepts and development. The papers reflected in this issue, which focuses on the theme of green fiscal reform, are based on working papers produced for the Third GGKP Annual Conference on “Fiscal Policies and the Green Economy Transition: Generating Knowledge – Creating Impact”, held in Venice, Italy, 29-30 January 2015.

Topics covered include environmental taxation in transport, conceptual frameworks for measuring the effectiveness of green fiscal reform, fiscal policy instruments to accelerate innovation in renewable energy, obstacles to green fiscal reform, and fiscal consideration in the design of green tax reform.

New Research

Exploring Four Green Pathways

UNEP have release the report, ‘Multiple Pathways to Sustainable Development: Further Evidence of Sustainability in Practice’. This report examines four approaches to sustainable development that have been adopted at the country or regional level: Circular Economy in the European Union (EU) and Germany, Natural Capital Accounting in Botswana, Payment for Ecosystem Services in Costa Rica, and Gross National Happiness in Bhutan. The purpose is to show that there is no “one size fits all” approach to sustainable development, but rather a range of concepts, methodologies, and tools that can be used, depending on the specific context. 

The Impacts of Carbon Pricing on OECD and G20 Economies

The OECD has released the report, ‘Effective Carbon Rates:
Pricing CO2 through Taxes and Emissions Trading Systems’. This report presents the first full analysis of the use of carbon pricing on energy in 41 OECD and G20 economies, covering 80% of global energy use and CO2 emissions. The analysis takes a comprehensive view of carbon prices, including specific taxes on energy use, carbon taxes and tradable emission permit prices. It shows the entire distribution of effective carbon rates by country and the composition of effective carbon rates by six economic sectors within each country. 

Investigating the Green Energy Economy – Special Open Access Issue of Applied Energy

Applied Energy has released the special issue, ‘Towards a Green Energy Economy? Assessing policy choices, strategies and transitional pathways’. This issue has been published as open access and seeks to bring together the fields of green growth, environmental economics, energy, climate change, innovation and governance. It contains a series of articles that critically investigate economic, environmental, social, technological and institutional concerns from an interdisciplinary point of view. 

Perception vs Reality: Countries Ranked on Green Economy Performance

Dual Citizen has released the 5th edition of the, ‘Global Green Economy Index’ (GGEI). The GGEI is a data-driven analysis of how 80 countries and 50 cities perform in the global green economy, as well as how expert practitioners rank this performance. This new GGEI offers an integrated performance assessment of climate change, the environment, efficiency sectors and investment to better understand where nations stand today and what they can improve on or leverage to do better in the future.

Taking Our Bearings of Green Economy Progress

The Green Economy Coalition (GEC) has released the paper, ‘The Green Economy Barometer 2016’. Since 2010 the GEC has been tracking the transition to green economies by drawing on the experiences and insights of GEC members and gathering different perspectives from different regions. The report aims to provide a brief but broad picture of what has been happening recently and where. It is focused on the five principles of change that define the GEC’s understanding of a green economy: 1. economics for nature; 2. green must be fair; 3. transforming economic sectors; 4. moving the money; and 5. measuring what matters.

Advancing Successful Green Growth Partnerships

The Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) has released the paper, ‘Success Factors in Green Growth Partnerships – Mindsets, skillsets and contexts’. This paper has been written to help catalyse green growth partnerships: it outlines why partnerships matter; identifies what makes partnerships work; and explores how success can be achieved at scale and at speed. It draws on emerging findings from the 3GF which has over 30 collaborative partnerships under its umbrella. This paper is a first effort to consolidate learnings across partnerships around water, energy, food and along the value chain.


The OECD Will Highlight Urban Green Growth at the GGSD Forum

The 2016 Green Growth and Sustainable Development (GGSD) Forum will take place from 9-10 November and focus on, ‘Urban Green Growth, Spatial Planning and Land Use’. The Forum will encompass an evaluation of the environmental and economic outcomes of different land use and spatial planning policies, as well as an exploration of how innovative approaches to land-use regulation and environmental policy instruments could complement and impact on traditional land-use planning and current approaches to green growth at the city level.

Find out what happened at the Fourth GGKP Annual Conference

The Fourth GGKP Annual Conference was held from 6-7 September 2016, focusing on the theme of, ‘Transforming Development through Inclusive Green Growth’. Over the two days, top academics joined key policy makers through a mix of 26 plenary debates and parallel sessions to jointly examine newly developed research on the most effective and innovative means of promoting pro-poor, inclusive green growth. During the conference over 30 research papers were presented, debated and discussed, and participants heard from close to 100 speakers.