‘Inclusive Innovation’ Offers Opportunity for the Financial Sector to Grow and Re-engage with Society: New Report

kristyReforming Global Finance

“Backing into the Future of Finance Looking Through the Rearview Mirror !” This report is a cautious, status quo view, somewhat behind the curve . Hazel Henderson, Editor”

Embargo: 09:00 EST, December 16 2011
‘Inclusive Innovation’ Offers Opportunity for the Financial Sector to Grow and
Re-engage with Society: New Report

San Francisco, December 16 2011 — Global banking and financial sector experts see
opportunities for the financial sector to grow and re-engage with society through “inclusive
innovations,” a new report launched today, The Future of Finance, has found.
Economic and regulatory uncertainty in many countries and a degree of popular resentment
exemplified by protests and a decline in reputation1, presents an opportunity for financial
sector companies to engage more proactively with external stakeholders. According to the
report, if they “turn their innovation outwards”, banks and other financial services firms will
find ways to grow their businesses and build positive relationships throughout society.

Click here to read “Inclusive Innovation”